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as a part of writing instruction should promote student learning of EFL writing. The

                        established model assisted lecturerss in assessing university students' EFL writing

                        skills,  particularly  the  students  in  the  English  study  program,  and  to  seek

                        information  on  current  students'  learning  progress  for  teaching-learning


                            The  multipurpose  assessment  model  aims  to  generate  intended  text-based

                        feedback for students and lecturers as a basis for continuous learning improvement

                        through a package of instruments. It was developed as a visual representation of

                        EFL writing assessment instruments. It also encourages student-centered learning

                        and  critical  thinking  skills,  which  are  not  yet  completely  stressed  in  writing

                        instruction (Fadlillah et al., 2019).

                                  However, as the assessment is embedded in the teaching-learning process, it

                        was integrated into the learning process that was arranged systematically to obtain

                        evidence  or  information  about  EFL  students'  writing  skills.  In  this  study,  the

                        multipurpose assessment model was implemented through the learning cycles of

                        GBA-TBI and flipped classroom approach for several considerations, as discussed

                        previously in the background of the study.

                                  The  principles  of the model  are developed based on concepts,  principles,

                        strategies, and components of A3 and formative assessment, which include sharing

                        learning  goals  and  success  criteria,  using  effective  questioning  techniques  in

                        assisting  students  to  learn,  employing  SA  and  PA,  and  providing  constructive

                        feedback. However, what should be paid attention to is that assessment instruments

                        used for formative purposes should cover the hint of summative assessment. As

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