P. 15
rubrics and SA/PA guideline sheets in responding to the limitations of SA and PA
and feedback. Then, this model was also operationalized in GBA to enhance student
learning of EFL writing and respond to deficiencies in practicing writing through
GBA learning cycles. Third, this designed model writing tests were the same as the
test for summative assessments. It was intended to familiarize students with the test
condition. Lastly, this model was conducted through blended learning in responding
to time constraints in giving feedback. To sum up, this model generates feedback
for students and teachers as a basis for continuous learning improvement of the
writing instruction through assessment processes.
In short, the present model integrated the notion of AaL, AfL, and AoL to
generate systematic feedback for students and lecturers for continuous learning
improvement aided by G-Docs, which previous practitioners have not investigated.
Even though, this model only developed analytical scoring rubrics for assessing the
argumentative writing, the model can be used for any genres and event any courses.
Therefore, this model provides the room for other practitioners to develop the
content of the model. The writer believes this model is paramount to promoting
students ' learning, particularly argumentative writing.
B. The Identification of the Problems
The writer identified several problems related to the EFL writing assessment
in the ongoing phenomena described in the study's background. They are discussed
in the following paragraphs.
Regular and systematic practice is essential for the development of writing
skills. Developing adequate writing practice and coaching is necessary, as