P. 5

Several  scholars  emphasize  the  characteristics  of  the  argumentative  texts.

                        According  to  Oshima  and  Hogue  (2007),  the  argumentative  essay  necessitates

                        authors to clearly articulate their stance on a given topic, whether in agreement or

                        disagreement  and  employ  persuasive  reasoning  to  convince  readers  of  the

                        soundness of their viewpoint. Furthermore, argumentative writing asks writers to

                        develop a definite perspective on the problem as their major claim, supported by

                        evidence,  examples,  personal  experiences,  or  quotes,  followed  by  counter-

                        arguments (Latifi et al., 2020, 2021). In short, the writers of argumentative writing

                        must  present  their point or statement. Then, to  persuade the  readers, they must

                        present arguments, including facts or proof. Not only that but they are also required

                        to present the opposing viewpoint or side of the issue. They, then, should return to

                        the thesis statement and persuade the audience at the end of the text. As a result,

                        critical thinking is required in an argumentative essay.

                            To avoid confusing messages, effective writing skills efficiently bridge the

                        delivery of messages from a writer to a reader. Due to the fact that, unlike spoken

                        language, interlocutors can ask for clarification whenever they receive ambiguous

                        messages. Therefore, in order to negotiate meaning for communicative purposes,

                        Richards (2006) contends that the writer must be able to communicate his ideas in

                        writing  in  an  accurate,  appropriate,  and  fluent  manner.  However,  generating  a

                        communicative argumentative essay for a novice or EFL writer is challenging due

                        to linguistic and non-linguistic difficulties.

                                 Several practitioners discovered the common challenges regarding linguistics

                        aspects.  For  example,  Ozfidan  and  Mitchell  (2020)  discovered  some  issues  of

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