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NUR SEHANG THAMRIN; Developing a Multipurpose Assessment Model in the
Blended Learning of Argumentative Writing. Dissertation. Yogyakarta: Graduate
School, Yogyakarta State University, 2023.
This study aims to 1) analyze the students’ and lecturers’ needs for a
multipurpose assessment model in blended learning of argumentative writing, 2)
develop the design and products of the multipurpose assessment model in blended
learning of argumentative writing, 3) examine the quality of the assessment instruments
as tools for the assessment model being developed, 4) get profiles of students’ writing
skills, 5) analyze the extent to which the established model implemented and accepted
by the students and lecturers, as well as students’ writing skill profile.
This study utilized the Design-based Research model proposed by Plomp. The
model comprises three stages: 1) preliminary research, which involved identifying
problems through theoretical analysis, empirical studies, and needs analysis; 2)
development, which entailed planning and preparing a prototype assessment model
consisting of a model specification, a set of assessment instruments, and assessment
procedures; and 3) evaluation, which involved implementing the assessment model in
the learning process. The needs analysis study involved 165 students and five lecturers
from Tadulako University, Palu. The preliminary testing phase of the assessment tools
included 15 students, while the readability trial encompassed 42 students and two
collaborating lecturers from Tadulako University. The primary field trial, in the
meantime, comprised 36 students from Tadulako University and 15 from IUN
Datokarama, Palu. Four experts established the instrument's validity through content
validity, which was determined using the Aiken formula. The item validity and
reliability were confirmed by applying the Many-Facet Rasch Measurement (MFRM)
analysis. The scoring quality conducted by two raters was assessed using the Many
Facets Rasch Measurement (MFRM) and the inter-rater coefficient correlation (ICC).
Descriptive statistics were used to examine the students' writing profiles based on the
trial outcomes.
The research results are as follows: 1) Students and lecturers need a multipurpose
assessment model in blended learning of writing skills. 2) A multipurpose assessment
model was establishe for learning argumentative writing skills through blended
learning consisting of model design, model specifications, and model components.. 3)
The model quality was confirmed by the content and construct validity of the
instrument items. Experts declare all products as model devices feasible through
validity values based on the Aiken formula. The quality parameters of the assessment
instrument items are proven by the validity and reliability index of the instrument based
on the Rasch Measurementl criteria. The stability index for rating scores also shows
good results with the Cronbach Alpha and ICC values. (4) The profiles of students'
writing abilities is thoroughly explained, including formative and summative
assessments. 5) The implemented model is of good quality, has an impact on student
writing quality, and is widely accepted by students and lecturers.
Key-words: Assessment as, for, of learning, argumentative writing, blended learning