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learning process. Zoom meetings facilitate the exchange of knowledge without
the need for physical gatherings, making them a highly effective means of
limiting the spread of COVID-19. In addition to functioning as a
communication tool, zoom meetings can also serve as a platform for delivering
presentations, conducting debates, and offering feedback to speakers.
Rempel and Friesen (2022) conducted a study at a Canadian university's
Writing Centre to examine the advantages and difficulties of Zoom tutoring.
They employed a mixed-method approach and found that tutors reported high
satisfaction and a preference for Zoom tutoring. However, tutees preferred in-
person, face-to-face tutoring despite acknowledging the convenience of Zoom
tutoring. Zoom tutoring offers several advantages for both tutors and tutees,
including flexibility, the ability to work from a comfortable environment such
as home, the elimination of the need for childcare, and the absence of
commuting time. Zoom teaching presents several issues, such as technical
malfunctions, social isolation from peers and colleagues, diminished
motivation, and difficulties arising from time zone differences.
Lastly, two studies by Mutch (2012) and Schellekens et al. (2021) found
that the AaL, AfL, and AoL positively contributed to student learning
outcomes. The similarity between these two studies and the current research
lies in the integration, but they have differences in the research methods to be
carried out and the field of study. While previous research involves conceptual
research design, highlighting their benefit, the current research develops them