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design and qualitative studyies, the present study adopts a Design-Based Research
(DBR). Finally, the MFRM methodology provides a viable approach for assessing
data, enabling researchers to evaluate the fit of items and gauge the comprehension
of the scale's description by both students and raters.
B. Implications
The findings of this study have both theoretical and practical implications, which
are presented below:
1. Theory
The current study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on the
relationship between learning and assessment by integrating and systematizing the
characteristics of Assessment as Learning (AaL), Assessment for Learning (AfL),
and Assessment of Learning (AoL). By combining assessment FOR/AS learning,
this model can assist students in moving toward a learner's mindset by creating a
meaningful learning environment where lecturers provide their students with
choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning experiences. The
utilization of a feedback loop, supported by the implementation of valid scoring
rubrics (Assessment of Learning), served to facilitate the process of text review for
both students and lecturers. Nevertheless, the findings of this study contribute to
the existing body of knowledge on the implementation of GBA-TBI and blended
learning approaches in the field of writing instruction.