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assessment criteria, therefore, include five categories—organization, content,
language use, mechanics, and text length—that are divided into 12 elements.
Furthermore, the instructional aids encompass the lesson plan and student
The instrument demonstrates high quality, as evidenced by its established
content validity, construct validity, and reliability index. The findings of Aiken's
analysis of content validation conducted by professionals demonstrate satisfactory
quality, albeit indicating the necessity to revise some instruments before their
utilization. The results from Aiken's research suggest that the overall content
validation of the instrument ranges from 0.75 to 1.00 on average. In addition, the
analysis findings indicate that the trial data demonstrates that all assessment items
satisfy the fit item criteria of the Many-Facet Rasch Measurement (MFRM),
specifically with infit and outfit Mnsq values falling within the range of 0.50 to 1.5.
Alternatively, if the score approaches 1, it is considered more desirable. The range
of the Zstd value for the outfit is -2 to +2, with a preference for values closer to 0.
In the interim, the Point Measure Correlation exhibits a range of values from 0.40
to 0.85. If any of these conditions are satisfied, the object may be deemed suitable.
The findings of the analysis indicated that all items met the established criteria for
fit; hence, no items were considered necessary to be excluded from the analysis.
The reliability index of the instrument is 0.96, and it has a separation value of 4.77.
According to the MFRM criteria, this score indicates a " satisfactory reliability
index." Finally, utilizing inter-rater coefficient correlation (ICC) analysis in SPSS
version 29, there is consistency across raters. The Cronbach Alpha is.902