P. 226

Table 35. The Advantages/Novelty of the Multipurpose Assessment Model in Blended Learning of Argumentative Writing
                       Aspects                     Existing studies                 Present Research                    Novelty
                   Components of       Focused on AaL, AfL, and AoL in          Integrates all purposes  Integrating all purposes of assessment
                   the model             partial (such as Sarre et al., 2019; Saeed  of assessment        with specific writing instruction and
                                         & Alqunayeer, 2020)                     Integrates GBA-TBI       ICT
                                       Failed to integrate a specific writing
                                         approach (Sadeghi & Rahmati, 2017)

                   ICT use            Failed to integrate ICT (Sadeghi &         Integrates ICT
                                      Rahmati, 2017; Ghorbanpour et al. 2021)

                   Instruments of     Used other party’s instruments (Sadeghi &  Develops instruments     Producing valid and reliable
                   the model          Rahmati, 2017; Ghorbanpour et al. 2021)                             instruments

                   Research           Mostly used an experimental research       Using DBR & CAR          Iterative activities
                   method             (Sadeghi & Rahmati, 2017; Ghorbanpour
                                      et al. 2021)

                   Techniques in      Focused on students’ total score (Sadeghi   Using Rasch Model -     Providing comprehensive data analysis
                   analyzing data     & Rahmati, 2017; Ghorbanpour et al.        MFRM

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