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blended  learning  facilitates  student  engagement  and,  consequently,  student-

                           centered learning (SCL).

                                     In  short,  this  model  can  be  used  as  an  alternative  model  to  promote

                           student learning improvement, as Kurikulum Merdeka mandated. This model

                           meets  the  government  expectation  to  involve  students’  active  roles  in  the

                           teaching-learning and assessment processes as the way to promote students’

                           learning improvement.

                           5.  Benefiting of the Importance of Technology

                                      The multipurpose assessment model was carried out in blended learning

                            mode  to  address  the  lack  of  feedback  identified  by  several  practitioners  in

                            writing instruction, such as (Akbari, 2015; Alharbi, 2019; Fajrina et al., 2021).

                            Data obtained from the reflection session on using online platforms such as

                            Google Docs shows that almost all students have a positive perspective on

                            using Google Docs to provide reviews of the results of their peers'' work or

                            accept the reviews given by their peers and lecturers. Learning to use Google

                            Docs is something new for them.

                                      The present finding aligns with the research conducted by Dathumma

                            and  Singhasiri  (2015),  who  investigated  students'  perceptions  of  teacher

                            feedback through the utilization of Google Docs.  Their study  revealed that

                            students exhibited a favorable disposition towards the use of Google Docs as a

                            platform for providing feedback. In light of the existing research gaps and the

                            commonly encountered time constraints in writing instruction, this study aims

                            to address these issues by proposing the utilization of Google Docs as a means

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