P. 216

text. According to Renandya et al. (2018); Richards (2006), writing as a means

                           of communication should meet fluency and accuracy, which are included in the

                           rating scale. While fluency is part of the number of words per time allotment,

                           accuracy deals with the number of mistakes/errors in the language used (Knoch,


                                     In this study, the researcher analyzed the students' text performance from

                           the first draft to the next draft in some areas: argumentative text components,

                           paragraph length, grammar accuracy, and spelling, because she could observe

                           the students' effort by seeing the trend index as empirical data. The data analysis

                           indicates  a  small  but  positive  boost  in  student  writing  results.

                           Proving  argumentative  writing  necessitates  critical  thinking,  a  systematic

                           process rather than something that happens instantly. This findings supports the

                           study conducted by (Latifi et al., 2020, 2021; Purwanti, 2015).

                           3.  The Multipurpose Assessment Model Aligns the Formative

                               Assessment Principles.

                                     The  findings  of  NA  indicate  that  students  and  instructors

                           referred  to  scoring  rubrics  as  a  means  of  evaluating,  reviewing,  offering

                           feedback,  and  modifying  instructional  processes.  Following  the  initial

                           principles of FA proposed by  Black and Wiliam (2009), students should be

                           informed of the learning objectives throughout the instructional process. Thus,

                           following the intended texts, the exercise of the multipurpose assessment model

                           generated scoring rubrics, which were subsequently distributed to the students.

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