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reviewing  their  peer’s  text  and  enhancing  their  self-reflection  toward  their

                            learning, which aligns with the study conducted by (Li & Gao, 2015; Vo &

                            Nguye,  N.H,  2023).  So,  the  less  effective  implementation  of  PA  found  by

                            several practitioners, such as Gielen et al. (2010), can be avoided. Therefore,

                            students evaluate their self and peers' work using teachers' criteria is necessary.

                            Consequently, if the criteria are inadequately formulated, it has a detrimental

                            impact on the quality of peer assessment. Therefore, the researcher took several

                            steps to reach the quality of the scoring rubric through experts’ validation and

                            field testing.

                                      The  notion  of  agency  entails  assuming  responsibility  for  one's  own

                            learning.  However,  agency  development  in  students  does  not  occur

                            spontaneously; it requires the teaching staff to provide students with proactive

                            chances for agency development. One practical approach to fostering agency

                            entails  the  provision  of  constructive  feedback  and  the  promotion  of  self-

                            reflection.  Nieminen  et  al.  (2021)  claim  that  “Student  agency  is  often

                            mentioned as a key feature of feedback practices (p. 1)”. By actively seeking

                            feedback from themselves, their peers, and their instructors, they demonstrate

                            a proactive approach to enhancing their learning process.

                           2.  The Multipurpose Assessment Model Raises Students’ Awareness in

                               Communicative Text Production

                                     The previous section presents students' active role in revising their text

                           through SA and PA, indicating they are aware of producing a communicative

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