P. 212

The  level  of  students'  awareness  regarding  the  production  of

                             communicative texts significantly influences their writing profiles. During

                             the initial cycle, most students demonstrated proficiency levels ranging from

                             0 to 70, with 31 students falling within this range. However, in the second

                             cycle, the number of students within this proficiency range decreased to only

                             18. This data indicates that most students fall between the value range of 71

                             to 100 throughout cycle 2.

                                       According to the reflection results, the assessment model's adoption

                             was well-received by both teachers and learners. Both students and lecturers

                             believe SA and PA activities positively impact students' learning of writing

                             skills, particularly in the context of argumentative writing. By utilizing the

                             SA and PA sheets, students can identify their writing limitations and enhance

                             their work by incorporating the feedback received from the review process.

                             The  provision  of  feedback  from  lecturers  is  crucial  in  facilitating  the

                             improvement  of  students'  writing  outcomes.  Using  the  sheets,  which  are

                             constructed  based  on  scoring  rubrics,  is  advantageous  in  facilitating  the

                             learning of the SA and PA procedures. These findings encourage lecturers to

                             actively  engage  students  in  analyzing  their  written  work  before  its  final


                                       Regarding the utilization of ICT, it is noteworthy that both students and

                             lecturers  hold  a  favorable  perspective  on  the  convenience  it  offers  in

                             delivering feedback. The instructors possess a comprehensive understanding

                             of the advantages associated with G-Drive; nevertheless, they have  yet to

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