P. 208

Table 33. Students’ Perspectives on the Implementation of the Model

                                                            Students’ opinion                                              Themes
                             The reading material provided before class activities helps to get ideas when     Awareness of producing a good
                             writing, but it takes time to understand the video content.                       texts
                             Student worksheets were very helpful in understanding the argumentative structure
                             of texts, for example, text models.
                             Scoring rubric informs our writing competences
                             SA and PA were helpful but we need to practice linking the scoring rubrics.       Opportunity to self-
                             I can improve my text thought SA and PA, but I need to practice so that I can avoid   improvement
                             ungrammatical and misspelling.
                             SA and PA improve my vocabulary and grammar slowly because we tried to find
                             the correct words and tenses.
                             Providing feedback via Google Docs is clearer, more personal, and more            ICT benefits
                             understanding because errors were highlighted, and I could clarify the feedback.
                             I easily comprehended the feedback provided by G-Doc since I felt more
                             comfortable interacting with lecturers and being cared for.
                             It’s new experience to write through G-Docs mam, It is very effective to write
                             collaboratively. In the future, I would like to use when I have a group work making
                             a paper.
                             Giving feedback via Zoom allows me to listen to and read my writing so I can grasp
                             it right away, whereas giving feedback via G-Docs allows me to clarify things I
                             didn’t understand and revisit the file repeatedly to improve.
                             When I want to revise my text based on the written feedback, I sometimes forget.
                             Learning with G-Docs and receiving comments are both interesting. We had never
                             had the experience of learning through G-Docs, although it was the Covid-19 era.
                             G-Docs assists me in understanding the input from the lecturers.

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