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5. Summary of Findings
The model's quality is demonstrated by the quality of learning and the
quality of students' argumentative writing. Data analysis results show that
students understand how to use the rubric-based self-evaluation and peer
assessment sheets. Their comprehension is shown in the outcomes of their
revised version. Based on the data collected from the observation protocol,
the average score of the learning process in cycle 1 was 97%, which
subsequently increased to 96% in cycle 2, indicating “excellent”.
The analysis of the test reveal a gradual improvement in the quality of
text arguments from the initial draft to the revised draft. Regarding the text's
argumentative component, students' writing skills demonstrate a substantial
improvement in paragraph one in giving background information and
establishing their position/stance on the topic addressed (a thesis statement).
Students can also submit arguments supporting the thesis statement but must
be directed to provide opposing views and write conclusion paragraphs. In
addition, the students' writing outcomes demonstrated an improvement in
fluency, specifically in their ability to produce ideas. When it came to
accuracy, students performed well as well, demonstrating their ability to fix
spelling and punctuation mistakes. On the other hand, their writing
performance improves gradually because developing writing skills requires
time and guidance of the elements of writing component by component rather
than simultaneously.