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conducting online feedback such as (Dathumma & Singhasiri, 2015; Ebadi &

                           Alizadeh, 2021; Ebadi & Rahimi, 2017; Latifi et al., 2020; Lin, 2019).

                                     The final FA concept is the formative use of summative testing, which

                           means  that  students  should  be  familiar  with  the  summative  assessment

                           components,  and  the  features  should  be  consistent  with  the  formative

                           assessment  components.  The  writing  exam  and  scoring  rubrics  utilized  as

                           summative assessment components  during teaching-learning were similar in

                           this study. This condition is consistent with the findings of Wininger (2005),

                           who  found  that  formative  summative  assessment  (FSA)  enhanced  students'

                           comprehension by 10% compared to its counterpart, which improved only 2%.

                           The FSA approach was well received by the studentss who used it.

                           4.  The Multipurpose Assessment Model aligns the Kurikulum Merdeka

                                     Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is a method employed to adapt to the

                           needs of 21st-century education. Bridging the gap between the higher education

                           system  and  the  demands  of  innovation  in  the  workplace  is  a  challenge  for

                           education in the twenty-first century. OBE is an educational framework that

                           prioritizes  attaining  learning  outcomes  as  Kurikulum  Merdeka  recommends

                           (Junaidi et al, 2020). Education focuses not only on completing required courses

                           but also on the outcomes and achievements. OBE is an approach that prioritizes

                           the sustainability of the learning process through innovation, interactivity, and

                           effectiveness. Implementing OBE has a comprehensive impact on the entirety

                           of  the  educational  process,  commencing  with  the  curriculum  design.

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