P. 227
Table 35. The Advantages/Novelty of the Multipurpose Assessment Model in Blended Learning of Argumentative Writing
Aspects Existing studies Present Research Novelty
Components of Focused on AaL, AfL, and AoL in Integrates all purposes Integrating all purposes of assessment
the model partial (such as Sarre et al., 2019; Saeed of assessment with specific writing instruction and
& Alqunayeer, 2020) Integrates GBA-TBI ICT
Failed to integrate a specific writing
approach (Sadeghi & Rahmati, 2017)
ICT use Failed to integrate ICT (Sadeghi & Integrates ICT
Rahmati, 2017; Ghorbanpour et al. 2021)
Instruments of Used other party’s instruments (Sadeghi & Develops instruments Producing valid and reliable
the model Rahmati, 2017; Ghorbanpour et al. 2021) instruments
Research Mostly used an experimental research Using DBR & CAR Iterative activities
method (Sadeghi & Rahmati, 2017; Ghorbanpour
et al. 2021)
Techniques in Focused on students’ total score (Sadeghi Using Rasch Model - Providing comprehensive data analysis
analyzing data & Rahmati, 2017; Ghorbanpour et al. MFRM