Page 8 - Phi Dleta Theta MIT - Winter 2018-19
P. 8

alumni news & notes

        We unfortunately received news that Brother   Mark Bye ’78 was recently appointed as a
        Cassius Lee Peacock III ’65 passed away at   trustee for the Phi Delta Theta Foundation,   deceased
        home in Seminole, Florida, on August 1, 2017,   the 501(c)(3) charitable organization that
        due to complications of ALS at the age of 74.   provides educational grants and scholarships   We regret to report the deaths of the
        “Cash” is survived by his mother, Tommay T.   to the fraternity and its brothers. Mark can be   following brothers since our last issue:
        Peacock; his wife of 45 years, Marie Jones   reached at
        Peacock; five children; ten grandchildren; and
        his sister, Lorena.                  With his brothers by his side, Zach Traina ’05   BENJAMIN B. DAYTON ’36
                                                                                             February 6, 2018
                                             married Dr. Hyon Jae Lee on July 1, 2017, at
        Tom Bush ’66 and his wife, Mary, celebrated   Battell Chapel, Yale University, New Haven,   WILLIAM W. LANG ’43
        their 50  wedding anniversary in June 2017.   Connecticut.  Tom Hoover ’05  and  Adam   October 10, 2016
        All of their children and grandchildren joined   Traina  were  the  best  men.  Drew  Hous-
        them in Tigard, Oregon. Pass along your   ton  ’05,  Joe  Audette  ’05,  Chris  Sime-  NORMAN BEECHER ’44
                                                                                            February 16, 2016
        well wishes to Tom, who can be reached at    one ’05, and  Doug Hwang ’05 were the                 groomsmen. Send congratulations to Zach at    RICHARD E. ELDEN ’44
                                                               March 3, 2016
        On June 10, 2018,  David and Laura Pe-
        terson ’68 hosted a Class of 1968 reunion   More congratulations go out to  Matthew   EDWIN T. BEAN JR. ’46
                                                                                               May 5, 2018
        brunch at their custom-built home in Har-  M. Fox ’15, who has recently received U.S.
        vard, Massachusetts, A striking feature of their   Patent 9,549,046 for “Methods and Systems   ANDREW S. YEISER ’46
        house is the swimming pool in the kitchen.   for Logging Time with a Mobile Comput-  March 18, 2016
        Those attending the event included  Dixon   ing Device.” His patent has been assigned
        and Nancy Cleveland, Neil and Nancy Clark,   to  the  Boeing  Company.  Now  living  in  San   RAYMOND R. BEARDSLY ’47
                                                                                            December 28, 2016
        Tom and Candy  Neal, and  Stan and  Sharon   Francisco, California, Matt can be reached at
        Wulf  ’65.  Get  back  in  touch  with  David  at     MARVIN W. SWEENEY JR. ’47                                                            July 6, 2016
                                                                                      CLARE PETER JOHNSON JR. ’48
        YOU’VE GOT MAIL: UPDATE YOUR ADDRESS NOW                                            September 2, 2016

        For the past three years, we’ve been forward-  The U.S. Postal Service doesn’t automatically   EDWARD T. THOMPSON ’49
        ing postal first-class mail, which accumulates   forward mail addressed to former residents at   February 13, 2018
        in the mail room, to alumni and to former   97 Bay State Road, because of the dormitory   CAROL E. BELTON ’50
        summer residents. Email has proved to be a   status of the address.                    April 7, 2017
        more expeditious, reliable, and easier way to
        send information than forwarding to residence   We use the MIT Infinite Connection alumni da-  WILLIAM H. CULVER ’50
        addresses. Because of this, the mail is first   tabase for email addresses, and we rely on our   November 12, 2016
        scanned into a PDF format and then forward-  alumni to keep their address on the database   BERT B. BEALS ’54
        ed to the alumnus. For those items that can’t   current. If you have an Infinite Connection ac-  November 27, 2016
        be scanned (i.e. credit cards, MIT diplomas,   count, log in at and
        checks, and packages), we ask that the alum-  check that your address is current. If you don’t   THOMAS A. HAMILTON ’55
        nus supply a postal address and the items will   have an account, you can sign up for an ac-  February 6, 2018
        be forwarded. Mail forwarded has included an   count on the same webpage.         SANFORD COBB JR. ’57
        MIT diploma, uncashed paychecks, notices of                                           April 16, 2016
        patents  awarded,  unclaimed  property, insur-  For current students and recent alumni, MIT
        ance policies, dormant retirement and invest-  keeps their email address active   R. MICHAEL HENDRICKS ’59
        ment accounts, lawsuit settlements, year-end   for a few months, but then deactivates the   December 17, 2016
        W-2 and 1099 forms, association member-  address. The Infinite Connection @alum.MIT.  RAYMOND B. LANDIS ’62
        ships, bank accounts, and credit cards. Mail   edu address provides a lifetime address where   July 16, 2018
        has  been forwarded  to alumni  who  haven’t   emails can be forwarded to any email address
        lived in the house for nearly 20 years.  one currently chooses.                  WILLIAM M. PURDY ’62
                                                                                            February 10, 2016

          MA GAMMA        is published regularly by ma gamma of phi delta theta fraternity at mit, located   CASSIUS L. PEACOCK III ’65
                                                                                              August 1, 2017
                          at 97 bay state rd, boston, ma 02215, for its members and friends. new contri-
        the               butions and photos are always welcome, and should be sent to: alumni records
          MESSENGER       office, ma gamma of phi delta theta fraternity, po box 390528, cambridge, ma
                          02139–0006. visit us on the web at
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