Page 6 - Phi Dleta Theta MIT - Winter 2018-19
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T       H        A N K                             Y        O U              !

                       ma gamma of phi delta theta

                     HONOR ROLL of DONORS

                97 BAY STATE ROAD                  AZURE & ARGENT                     CONTRIBUTORS
             PRESERVATION SOCIETY                   SOCIETY CIRCLE                       (Up to $99)
                 ($1,000 or more)                     ($100 - $249)                     Reid F. Allen ’08
                Andrew W. Houston ’05                 Mark L. Bye ’78                Shugato S. Davis ’84
                   Dana Huestis ’58                Cyril W. Draffin Jr. ’72           Diego Giraldez ’15

                                                    Phillip F. Frink Jr. ’60         Christian M. Klein ’91
                                                     Boyd E. Givan ’57               Wilbur S. Latimer ’59
               FOUNDER’S SOCIETY                     Frank J. Iskra ’48
                    ($250 - $499)                   David D. Moran ’64

                 Donald C. Lampe ’78            DuWayne J. Peterson Jr. ’55
                   Richard F. Otte ’61
                                                     Mark R. Pratt ’60
                                                    Robert E. Smith ’41
                                                Robert M.O. Sutton Sr. ’73

                                                    Eugene D. Tung ’88
                                                   James H. Williams ’91
                                                    Stanley A. Wulf ’65

            This Honor Roll reflects gifts received between September 27, 2016, and November 13, 2018.

        promising new pledges
        (continued from page 1)              dents—although I am looking to become even   enjoy themselves. My experience at MIT and as
                                             more involved in the upcoming semester.  a member of this fraternity thus far has certainly
                            MOHAN               I am a huge fan of all things hip-hop, en-  been great. I hope to contribute to the house
                            CLASS OF ’22     joy watching action/adventure movies, and I like        throughout my time
                            Hometown:        learning more about any random topic, especial-         at MIT, and look for-
                            Dallas, Texas    ly through the internet site Reddit. At MIT, I hope     ward to the many
                                             to study computer science and finance, but
                                                                                                     experiences I will
                               I am currently a   would also like to explore other areas of study,   have as a member
                            member of the MIT   such as product design.                              of Phi Delta Theta.
                            Dance  Troupe,  and   I decided to join Phi Delts after really con-
                            MIT’s South Asian   necting with the current brothers and their ability
                            Association for Stu-  to work hard in school, while still making sure to   JULIAN LIU
                                                                                                     CLASS OF ’22

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