Page 5 - Phi Dleta Theta MIT - Winter 2018-19
P. 5

(continued from previous page)       I also attended a fitness center, practiced ex-  participating on the men’s varsity swimming
                                             treme sports, learned about entrepreneurship,   and diving team as sprint freestyle/butterflier, I
        bling upon my passion, which is programming.   leadership and interpersonal relations, and got   am also a part of the Asian American Associa-
           Programming combines creativity with logic   my family involved in the administration of a   tion and like to cook and bake! Deciding to join
        and mathematics. Since this discovery, I have   business—where my father still works. It was   Phi Delts was one of the toughest decisions of
        worked on python libraries, physics simulations,   during this time I discovered my passion for   my  life—the  stigma  fraternities  carry  deterred
        and even made some simple mobile games.   math and teaching, and attended classes from   both my parents and myself very strongly. But
        I knew MIT was a great fit for me due to their   the math undergraduate program in the univer-  looking back on it now, this decision to join was
        reputation for being a university that empha-  sity, on top of being an active trainer for my   one of my greatest. Having such a great family
        sizes creating and experimenting in the process   country’s math Olympic team and serving as a   of brothers to lean back on whenever I need is
        of learning, something that I’ve learned to value   deputy leader in the IMO 2018, as a “payment   one of the best things to have, and all of the
        through years of developing and testing. At Phi   for my considerable efforts and compromise to   stigmas associated with fraternities are anything
        Delts, I have found a great group of guys that   the program,” to cite the director and the math-  but true here. I can’t wait for what the next four
        share similar interests and a strong support sys-  ematics department chief of the program.  years have to show.
        tem to help me as I adapt to the rigor at MIT.  MIT was an obvious choice for me, as it
                                             is arguably the best university in the world, us-
                                             ing academic standards. The MIT mindset was             ADAM POTTER
                            RODRIGO POSADA                                                           CLASS OF ’22
                            CLASS OF ’22     another very considerable factor to push me to          Hometown: The
                            Hometown: A      apply, along with the easiness to do it and the         suburbs of
                                             generous financial program it possessed, and
                            small town in the   that I needed because of my family’s economic        Chicago, Illinois
                            rural side of El
                            Salvador, Central   situation. Coming here and finding such a vi-           Growing up, we
                            America          brant and alive community filled with amazing           had a woodshop in
                                             people from all around the world and from all           our basement, and
                               I  went to  a   different backgrounds was one of the most             from a young age
                            boarding school for   amazing experiences I have ever lived. Unfor-      I started building
                           high school, where   tunately for “the frats,” in my country we have   things. It started with woodworking and school
        I held an important leadership position. This   very small knowledge about them, and most   dioramas, and eventually turned into building
        position really allowed me to become an out-  of it comes from movies like “American Pie,”   small robots and 3D printers.
        standing student in both academics and sports;   awarding them a very bad reputation that went   At MIT, I’m studying mechanical engineer-
        someone who did his best at everything he   against my principles and morals; however,   ing. I’m interested in robotics, self-driving cars,
        tried. Despite my big academic improvements,   meeting some of the brothers from Phi Delts,   alternative energy, and water. Eventually, I hope
        my performance in the mathematical Olympiad   as well as from other fraternities, made me   to use automation to either directly or indirectly
        remained mediocre at best. At the end of the   notice of how wrong was my assumption, as I   help the environment. Besides academics, I lis-
        year I was awarded a full scholarship to study at   couldn’t imagine the nice people I had met at   ten to indie rock, pop, and jazz, and play the
        one of the best universities in my country, but   there, to do the things that came to my mind   trumpet. I also run, row on crew, and play Ulti-
        I had always had the dream to go to an inter-  when I thought about a fraternity.  mate Frisbee with friends.
        national math Olympiad, and since you cannot   In addition, I approached one of the broth-
        go to the IMO if you are in university, I had to   ers separately and asked him the questions I
        choose between those two paths.      had about the fraternity, to see if being part of       ALLEN ZHANG
           I took the challenge of becoming a math   it wouldn’t compromise my principles. Surpris-  CLASS OF ’22
        Olympiad competitor despite not having partici-  ingly for me, PDT even has strong principles to   Hometown:
        pated in any Olympiad—and not even being at   which every brother, and attendee of his events   Carmel, Indiana
        the skill level of my classmates, who had expe-  has to attach to, in order to be accepted to   I came to MIT
        rience and were more prepared than me. That   come in; otherwise, the actions of PDT were    because I want to
        was  a  life-changing  decision,  and  it  was  not   irreversible about the issue, and they ended up   enter the tech in-
        supported by most of my family and friends.   being very reasonable, intelligent, outstanding   dustry and eventu-
        I had to sacrifice time, effort, and facilities to   moral people, which convinced my definitely to   ally found my own
        stick to it. Moreover, it was a really important   give it a try. I am happy that I gave Phi Delts a   startup. As of right
        decision on the path that brought me to get to   chance, as the brothers and the pledges have   now, I am set on Course 6-3, and am also in-
        know myself, what I like, and what do I want to   shown that it was a great decision.  terested in Course 15 and 18. In my free time,
        do with my life.                                                          I enjoy playing basketball and lifting weights. I
           I found that even though I am a passionate                             pledged to Phi Delt because all of the brothers I
        about math and physics, there is a huge world            NICHOLAS         met during rush were people I would hang out
        outside that would be a huge mistake to ignore,          BAGINSKI         with. The house has become a great place for
        so I gave myself the time and the importance             CLASS OF ’22     me to relax and work with some cool guys, and
        of exploring it in the free time I had between              I’m  currently  also a place where I feel at home.
        my preparations for Olympiads. I can mention             pursuing a double
        learning to swim—where I was later invited to            major in 6-14 and
        train as a competition sport, but neglected—             15-3.  Outside of             (continued on next page)

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