Page 2 - Phi Dleta Theta MIT - Winter 2018-19
P. 2

a note from               PHI DELTS ACT PHILANTHROPICALLY
          THE CHAPTER PRESIDENT              We’ve been making a concerted effort to en-  health. Many brothers showed up to the event

                                             gage in and contribute to community service   and cheered Gerry on, and it was a really fun
                                             events occurring around campus. Last semes-  night. As a group, we chose to do a boba tea
                                             ter, the house raised more than $600 for the   sale back in the spring semester, raising more
                                             Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority’s burger cookout   than $1,200 for Live Like Lou Foundation. It
                                             event. We cooked and sold hundreds of our   was a great experience interacting with the
                                             specialty burgers, called the “Phi Delt,” which   MIT community through these community
                                             was topped with bacon, lettuce, tomato and   service events, and it makes us excited to do
                                             our specialty sauce on a toasted bun. In ad-  more in the future.
                                             dition to this, Gerry Cortez ’21 was a contes-
                                             tant in Alpha Phi’s “HeartThrob Talent Show,”   We will keep you updated on our future en-
                                             which raises money for women’s heart health   deavors!
                                             initiatives. Gerry won the title of “The People’s
                                             Champion,” being the top fundraiser with     — Noah Lee ’21 and John Rao ’21
                                             more than $1,400 benefitting women’s heart          Community Service Chairs


        My journey through Phi Delta has been a se-  This semester, we are competing in intramu-  Other than intramural sports, several brothers
        ries of unplanned, happy accidents. I joined the   ral basketball and flag football. We started the   are registered together for the second quar-
        fraternity on a whim. I moved into the house   season with our basketball team at 2-0, with   ter ice hockey physical education class. With
        because my current roommate convinced me   wins against ZBT and ADPhi. Our flag football   enough involvement, a Phi Delt team for intra-
        to. I previously took on the role of risk man-  team started out 1-1-1 with a win against   mural hockey may be on the horizon.
        ager, because frankly, no one else would. And   Delta Tau Delta, a loss against PBE, and a tie
        now here I am, in the position of president,   against Sigma Chi.                   —Nathan Han ’21, Athletics Chair
        deeply thankful for every step along the way. I
        have grown so much as an individual, and my   Our basketball team took a hit at the end
        involvement and personal investment in this   of last season with the graduation of sharp-  OUR PARTICIPATION IN
        chapter have likewise grown.         shooter Fano Razafindrakoto ’18, but his loss   FLAG FOOTBALL—AND
                                             was displaced by the additions of guard Diego
        Our rush this semester went very well, and we   Escobedo ’21 and forward Ritaank Tiwari ’21.    INTRAMURAL SPORTS IN
        have a solid pledge class of 12 new members   The pledges bring much-needed energy and   GENERAL—HAS BEEN A
        in the class of 2022. The new Phikeia are al-  hustle to the team, but lack of shooting may
        ready involved in a range of activities at MIT,   prove to be a problem going forward.  GREAT TEAM EFFORT AND
        including water polo, fencing, track and field,                                 A GREAT BONDING
        a capella, consulting clubs, and much, much   This recent semester marks our return to flag   EXPERIENCE FOR
        more. They have become quite close with the   football after a year-long hiatus. At the time of
        house, despite their relatively recent introduc-  writing this article, star receiver and cornerback   THE BROTHERS.
        tion. We look forward to their initiation and to   Sheel Patel ’20 is leading the team with 6 re-
        officially welcoming them as members of this   ceptions for 100 yards and 1 interception.   —CONNOR CHUNG ’20
        fraternity.                                                                    PRESIDENT, QUARTERBACK
        As I reflect on how much the house has
        changed during my three years at MIT, I am  stealing sorority hearts
        very proud of how much more Phi Delta is in-  (continued from page 1)
        volved on campus nowadays. We have broth-                                 than each other. However, through planning
        ers on several sports teams; we have brothers   voice, the salsa skills Rodrigo and I possess,   the serenade routine, we were truly able to
        running events for groups like Camp Kesem,   Abhi and Ritaanks’ seductive dance moves,   learn about each other and our interests and
        Amphibious Achievement, and the Asian   and the chiseled bodies of Keith and Fausto—a   talents.  More  importantly,  our hard  work  laid
        American Association; we have brothers work-  result of years of hard work in the gym. We   a solid foundation of teamwork within the Phi
        ing on new start-up ventures. We are truly a   picked four songs that showcased our talents   Delta Theta Class of 2022 that will help us plan
        dynamic house, and our impact on MIT’s vari-  and sent them to Connor Dotson ’20 to mix   events and have a positive influence on MIT’s
        ous communities on campus is noticeable.  together.  Once  this was  complete,  we  were   campus during our time here. We have an
                                             finally able to create and practice our routine   exceptional group of pledges that are joining
        The brotherhood is strong this semester. We   before performing it before four MIT sororities.  a very accomplished group of brothers, and I
        are a supportive group of brothers, and I often                           cannot wait to work and bond with all of them
        times see brothers helping each other with   Overall, the serenades were a great experi-  over the next four years.
        academic work, as well as resume proofread-  ence to help our pledge class bond. Prior to
        ing and interview preparations. Beyond that,   this, most of the interactions between pledges   —Alex Homma ’22
        however, we are a support network. The broth-  had occurred during rush, when we were more      Pledge President
                                             preoccupied with getting to know the brothers
                        (continued on page 3)
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