Page 3 - Phi Dleta Theta MIT - Winter 2018-19
P. 3

RENOVATIONS CONTINUE AT 97 BAY STATE ROAD                                     looking ahead
                                                                                            to 2019
        During the past two years, the house corpora-  many bedroom doors for additional privacy and
        tion has made several improvements to 97 Bay   security, but many of those keys have been lost   APRIL 27–APRIL 28
        State Road. Christian Klein ’91 was the designer   as well. All interior doors are being rebuilt in the
        and overseer of the construction and renova-  doorknob area as necessary, and a common   Alumni Weekend
        tions.                               doorknob with integral key is being installed to
                                             replace the existing hardware. The new locks   Alumni Weekend at MA Gamma is
        The invasive “Tree of Heaven” in the rear patio   will be re-keyed with a master key for house   being organized by Alumni Chair John
        outlived its welcome when it grew so large that   corporation and house manager use, and per-  Ped ’21 (
        its roots began lifting sections of the patio, as   sonal keys will be issued for each room’s resi-
        well as provided a home for a huge mischief of   dents.                    The schedule is still being finalized,
        rats. In August 2016, the tree was removed and                             but will include casual events, along
        the stump was ground away. A new concrete   With so many residents, the clothes washer and   with a Saturday night dinner, to give
        foundation wall and sidewalk were poured with   dryers are heavily used. Machines designed for   attendees plenty of time to socialize.
        stairs leading from Back Street to the bricked   residential use wear out quickly and require fre-
        patio. The rear black wrought iron fence and   quent replacement, as often as every year or   Come join us!
        gate were restored, and the chain link fence   two. Reid Allen ’08 researched commercial ma-
        adjacent to the BU dormitory was replaced with   chines and selected a pair of IPSO front load-
        a wrought iron fence of similar design to that   ing stackable washers and dryers. The house
        in the rear. The result is a comfortable patio for   corporation bought the machines, which are
        cooking on the built-in grill, and hanging out in   performing well.                 JUNE 7–9
        the sunshine.
                                             Reid also researched and selected new table-  Commencement,
        The second floor head and adjacent closets   ware for the chapter. The existing tableware was   Tech Reunions
        enjoyed extensive renovations during the win-  a mélange of styles, and the new tableware
        ter and spring of 2017. The existing head was   presents a uniform table setting. The dinner-  Celebrate the graduating seniors and
        original to the house and lacked a bathtub and   ware is commercial quality, with separate sets   reunion classes! The 50  (Class of ’69)
        shower. The new design has a spacious bath-  for everyday and formal dining. The white por-  Reunion is especially eventful and will
        room and a separate shower room, both de-  celain plates and bowls are complimented with   begin a day early, on  June 6. Plan to
        signed to be handicap accessible, and both di-  polycarbonate tumblers for everyday use and   attend if you’re a member of that class!
        rectly accessible from the second floor hallway.   stemmed glassware for formal dining.
        The walk-in closet adjacent to 2F4 was rebuilt
        to provide better storage and is now accessible   During the winter of 2018, the third floor head   Alumni, their friends, and families are
        only from 2F4. The contractor was able to install   and adjacent closet were gutted and renovated.   invited to an open house at MA Gamma:
        new doors and woodwork to match the existing   Two shower stalls, each with an adjacent robing   Friday, June 7
        design of the second floor hallway, maintaining   area, and a toilet enclosure with a locking door   3:30–5:50 p.m.
        the original beauty of that floor.   were installed to allow multiple residents to use
                                             the facilities at the same time with privacy. A   If you can, please RSVP via email to
        All the interior doors in the house are under-  vanity with two sinks is located in the entry area.   John Ped ’21 so we
        going a refurbishment of the door knobs and   The adjacent closet is now only accessible from   know who to expect!
        locks. Many interior doors still have the original   3R4 and has been designed with more closet
        knobs with privacy mortise locks and skeleton   rod and storage space.
        keys, but the keys have been lost for decades.
        Over the years, brothers have installed their             —Stanley Wulf ’65  chapter president
        own locking doorknobs and dead bolts on   President, Incorporate Alumni of Psi Delta
                                                                                   (continued from page 2)
                                                                                   ers of this house have each other’s backs,
        rush round-up                                                              and will be there to counsel and support
        (continued from page 1)                                                    one another whenever necessary.
                                             pledge class takes part in various athletics in-
        such as paint ball, indoor skydiving, various din-  cluding water polo, swimming, and fencing, as   Looking back on our successful rush, our
        ners downtown, an improv comedy show, and   well as student groups like a capella, the Asian   newfound involvement on campus, and
        our infamous “jungle party.” By the time Friday   American Association, and the MIT Consulting   the growing strength of the chapter’s
        rolled around, we had narrowed down our in-  Group. We are proud of our new members   brotherhood, I am excited to see what the
        terest to 17 guys who each received a bid, and   and are looking forward to their contributions   future holds for us. It has been an honor
        13 of them ultimately accepted.      to MIT during their four years, and to the world   so far to lead the Mass Gamma chapter
                                             after graduation.                     of this fraternity, and I am thankful for the
        This pledge class is a diverse group of guys                               opportunity given to me by the brothers of
        from a range of ethnic backgrounds. They                —Andres Alvarez ’20   this house.
        come together as a group of friends to push              and Sheel Patel ’20
        the house towards a brighter, more cohesive                    Rush Chairs                  —Connor Chung ’20
        future. Aside from academic excellence, our                                                         President

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