Page 1 - Phi Dleta Theta MIT - Winter 2018-19
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                    GAMMA MESSENGER

                          phi delta theta at massachusetts institute of technology | winter 2018–2019


        Our pre-rush work week this year was a huge   the winter. Finally, we pow-
        success, and its impact can be felt throughout   er washed the entire patio,
        the entire house. The brothers surpassed my   bringing out the vibrant red
        expectations and we were able to greatly im-  in  the bricks  which  had
        prove upon the state of the house both inside   been hidden under years
        and out. We spent much of our time working   of dirt.
        to fix and touch up the common spaces, re-
        placing some of the older furnishings to help   Despite the success of
        improve those areas. In addition, we focused   pre-rush work week, we
        on deep cleaning the areas that see some of   still have many plans to
        the most use, namely the library and backyard.   continue to improve upon
                                             the  house in  the  future.    LOCHIE FERRIER ’19 USES HIS REPELLING SKILLS TO REPAIR
        In the library, the main project was to oil the   We have contractors work-  THE HOUSE FLAG POLE DURING WORK WEEK
        wood in order to refinish it. Several brothers   ing to redo the bathrooms,
        were put to the task and I’m pleased to say   which is greatly improving
        that the library is looking better than it has in   the quality of life in the house, and at
        years. We also completed some deep cleaning   this time they still have a few more
        and dusted the books in order to keep them   floors to do. For the remainder of my
        in the best condition possible. In January, we   time as house manager, I plan to look
        plan to look into replacing the library’s built-in   into the feasibility of redoing the floors,
        speakers in order to help bring the library into   as well as the possibility of house reno-
        the 21 century.                      vations through GHQ.
        One other area we focused on during work   If you have any suggestions for house
        week was the backyard. We removed the old   improvements, we’d love to hear from
        grill—as it was no longer functional—and con-  you, and be sure to read more about
        verted the cutout where the grill was into patio   the updates on page 5!
        seating; we put cushions where the grill was
        in order to make the backyard more inviting.       —Chris Womack ’21
        Then, we purchased a new, freestanding grill          House Manager     ’21s GERRY CORTEZ AND NOAH LEE POLISH UP
        so that it could be placed into storage during                          THE BACKYARD WITH THE PRESSURE WASHER


        Not long ago, the Phikeia were tasked with cre-  one single song, or a fusion of many. We also   After spending a summer apart, the fall se-
        ating and performing a routine for the annual   wondered if our routine should be romantic,   mester began and we collectively turned our
        fraternity-sorority serenades. At first, we strug-  funny, or sultry and provocative. We ultimately   attention to one of the most important times
        gled with creating this routine; we were unsure   decided on a fusion of songs that focused on   as a fraternity: new member recruitment. Rush
        as to whether it would be better to perform   all of our individual strengths that still involved   2018 began on Saturday, September 1, and
                                                             all of us.           culminated on the fol-
                                                                                  lowing Friday with our  READ ABOUT
                                                             We began by sitting down   bid dinner. It was a week   OUR NEW
                                                             as a group and thinking   packed with 15 events,   PLEDGES
                                                             about what qualities we   through which we got to   ON PAGE 3!
                                                             could highlight in our   know over 200 potential
                                                             performance. We ended   new members. We kicked off the weekend
                                                             up deciding on a few:   with house tours and a steak and lobster din-
                                                             Julian’s beautiful singing   ner. The days that followed included events
                                                                    (continued on                (continued on page 3)
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