Page 7 - Phi Dleta Theta MIT - Winter 2018-19
P. 7
alumni news & notes
In 2008 the brothers of the fall 1954 pledge spearheaded the fundraising effort. Af-
class met at MIT for their 50th class reunion. ter consultation with several brothers, a
The MIT 50th Reunion was interesting, but Kohler & Campbell baby grand piano—
getting together with old Phi Delta Theta along with padded bench¬—was deliv-
Brothers was so much fun that they decided ered to the house in time for the class’s
to do it again. Since Walter Ackerlund was the visit. The piano now sits stately in front
only classmate that didn’t attend the reunion, of the bay windows in the library. The
his pledge brothers called him and told him brothers (and guests to the house) that
that they were meeting again in two years at play use the piano frequently, and it is a
his house. Since then, the Class of ’58 has met real joy to hear live music in the house
every two year, continuing to have such a great again.
time that it has become a tradition. They have THE PIANO DONATED BY THE ALUMNI
met in Seattle, Washington; Great Falls, Mon- Attending the Boston reunion in October
tana; Glacier Park, Montana; Chicago, Illinois; 2016 were Ben Chantry of Fair Oaks, Cali-
and once again in Boston, Massachusetts in fornia, Walter Ackerland of Redmond, Wash- ALUMNUS PRESENTS
2016. The wives have become close friends ington, Don Dolben of Concord, Massachu-
over the years, and they enjoy the reunions as setts, Chris Gimre of Geneva, Illinois, H. Jan TO SHARK TANK
much as their husbands Heespelink of Newton Center, Massachusetts,
Dana Huestis of Great Falls, Montana, Robert
As they were meeting in Boston, the class Raisler of Half Moon Bay, California, Mark Ten- After several years as a management consultant
wanted to present a gift to the chapter. They ney of Niles, Michigan, Karl Walterskirchen of in pet food manufacturing facilities, Renaldo
chose a new baby grand piano to replace the Pasco, Washington, Emil Wright of Auburn, Webb ’10 founded PetPlate to deliver high-
piano in the library. The existing piano was in Alabama, and Harry Ross of Scottsdale, Ari- quality, human-grade, pet food directly to pet
terrible shape and no longer stayed in tune zona. Most brothers were accompanied by parents’ doorsteps. With recipes formulated by
for more than a few hours. Ben Chantry ’58 their wives. a veterinary clinical nutritionist from Cornell Uni-
versity, PetPlate (
prides itself in making healthy and nutritious
Renaldo appeared on the show Shark Tank in
Dr. Rob win’s footsteps—literally and intellectually—in December 2016, to pitch his company to the
Wesson ’66 South America, Scotland, and Wales, trekking Sharks, asking for $100,000 for 10 percent eq-
released his across the Andes and cruising waters charted uity. After tasting the food and listening to the
first book, by the HMS Beagle. He rolled in small, open presentation, the sharks believed there were
“D arwin’s boats, bounced in trucks, swayed in saddles, too many difficulties in scaling the early stage
First Theory: waded in swamps, and trekked over Andean business. Guest shark Chris Sacca called Webb
Exploring Dar- passes on his quest. Dr. Wesson writes of his “a dream partner,” but declined to invest be-
win’s Quest adventure from the viewpoint of a career seis- cause he viewed the business as a potential
for a Theory mologist. competitor to one of his existing investments.
of Earth,” Sharks Robert and Lori were both very engaged
on April 11, While at MIT, Dr. Wesson majored in Course and asked the best questions.
DR. ROB WESSON ’66 2017. 12, earth, atmospheric, and planetary scienc-
es. He now lives in Evergreen, Colorado, with The sharks ultimately declined to make a deal
Charles Darwin his wife, Gayle, and recently with Renaldo. Al-
began his career as a geologist, joining a five- retired from a career as a though Renaldo
year surveying journey on the HMS Beagle in research geophysicist study- didn’t walk away
southern South America. This adventure led ing earthquakes with the US with a deal, he did
Darwin to conceive his theory of subsidence Geological Survey. receive valuable
and uplift, how the Earth evolved—his first feedback on his
theory. These concepts and attitudes underlie The book was selected as business, which en-
Darwin’s subsequent, and better-known, dis- the August-September 2017 abled him to grow
coveries in evolution, fauna, and flora. book for the MIT Alumni Book faster and expand
Club.Read more about him at the business to the
In 2008, Dr. Wesson set out to retrace Dar- entire country. Pet-
Plate is now work-
ing on more reci-
MA GAMMA ALUMNI NEWS! new product line of
meals for cats.