Page 1 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2009
P. 1
Consul- Jake Metzger r 0.50
Pro Consul- Jared Abert " 0
Annotator- Mark Cooke '09
Magisterc Mike Fewkes "l l May 2009
Quaestor- Dave Hernandez "l l
Kustos- Anthony Munari "2 IB~ ~A~LU~M~N~I~R~EP~O~R~T~I~
Scholarship Chairs
Fadi Bakhos -u
Matt Eastman "l l Undergraduates Achieve 3.11 GPA,
Social Chairs Initiate Third-Generation Legacy
PatGale "0 and Colin Porter " 0
Steward- Mike Lane "0 Alumni Committees Formed to Mentor Undergraduate Brothers and to
Rush Chairs Improve Chapter Programs
Dewey Joern "l l By Eric W. Rahn '75
Jared Thompson "l l
Mike Conway "'.50
Jim Schlegel '09.50 As I have previously reported, we were faced - the Pledge and Ritual Committee, the
with three challenges: first and foremost, Property Committee, and me Scholarship
House Manager- Mike Kniery "l l
to continue to nurture and challenge the Committee. The goals of these advisory
Ritual Chairs
Drew Rasmussen '09.50 undergraduate chapter to succeed; second, to committees are to help the undergrads make
Jeff Sindelar " 0 improve me communications with our alumni continual improvements in their programs
Dave Hernandez "l l and provide more opportunities for them to be and be mentors to the undergraduate officers.
involved and get back on campus; and third, We are always looking for involvement from
Tribune- Kris Drake "'.50
to plan for the future. We continue to make alumni, especially younger alums, so please
Philanthropy Chairs
Fadi Bakhos -n progress on all three of these areas, but have contact me if you are interested.
Ryan Downs "0.50 much work ahead of us. I have previously mentioned the formation
of Kappa Kappa of Sigma Chi Foundation. It
Historian- Jeff Petree "l l
'~t Kappa Kappa, we have a rich was formed a couple of years ago to provide
Risk Manager- Kris Drake "'.50
and wonderful tradition of success a charitable vehicle to receive long term
Mom's Day Chairs funds to assist in the areas of scholarship and
Matt Eastman "l l - both at the undergraduate level leadership awards and in the area of facilities
Kris Drake "'.50 and with our alumni. Wehave been
and maintenance. Costs for undergraduates
House Improvement Chair blessed with dedicated volunteers continue to increase at rates far in excess of
Matt Parenti "0 and generous alums" inflation, and our chapter house is approaching
100 years of age. As we move forward and the
1\ NEW INITIATES I The undergraduate chapter had a fairly economy recovers, we expect to expand our
successful fall semester and this has continued fundraising efforts to fully utilize the Kappa
Todd Michael Bendell in the spring semester. Grades continue to Kappa of Sigma Chi Foundation.
Peter Michael Bolton remain a focus and the chapter had a 3.11 At Kappa Kappa, we have a rich and
Alex Benjamin Brohammer GPA for the fall semester, ranking them 16 th
Andrew John Cochrane among all fraternities. This compares to a 3.22 wonderful tradition of success - both at the
Adam Sean Devine GPA for last spring. The initiation of 19 young undergraduate level and with our alumni. We
Brendan Joseph Doshi have been blessed with dedicated volunteers and
Robert Frederick Gehm men into Sigma Chi on Valentine's Day was generous alums. I am confident the chapter will
Kevin Anthony Hoff impressive. Of special note was the initiation honor this tradition with continued dedication
Ryan Boyd Johnson of a third generation legacy, Andrew Cochrane and success!
Gregory John Lemorena '12, grandson of Dick Cline '56 and nephew
Brian Patrick Mallen of Richard Cline '84 who were able to attend.
Anthony Michael Munari We are working with me undergrads to improve ONTHEWEB
Matthew Joseph Murphy their rush efforts to make it more of a year-
Lawrence Eugene Newquist II round process and thereby enable them to keep What's My Member 101
Kevin Michael Pinkos the house at or near capacity. We look forward
Michael Dean Styzek to the undergraduate chapter finishing the year
Andrew Dean Suddreth on a high note. Find your Member 10, which is required
George Udumula for FirstTime Login at
Patrick Thomas Zigenfus Organizationally, we now have a number of above your
active committees working with the undergrads name and address on this newsletter.