Page 4 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2009
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___ ~                                 ~A~N~N~U~A~L~F~U~N~D                                     ~~

                                          On Pace for a Great Giving Year!

        Thanks to our alumni donors recognized  Help to ensure this is another great
        below, we have raised $15,334 so far for  giving year by making your donation  Annual Fund (9/1-8/31)
        the 2008-09 annual fund. With four  before August 31. There are three ways to  $25,000
        months left in the giving year, this puts  make a gift:                    $23,690
        us within reach of surpassing last year's                         $20,000
        total of $22,925; and gives us a chance of  1. Online at
        exceeding our record annual fund total of                        $15,000
                                          2. By calling 800-975-6699.
        $25,308 set in 1998-99.
                                          3. By mailing a check payable to "Kappa  $10,000
          The annual fund supports our efforts
        to keep you connected with Kappa Kappa  Kappa Corporation  of Sigma Chi" to  $5,000
                                           the return address on this newsletter
        actives and alumni, especially through
                                           (write #292 in the memo line).     o
        publication  of The Illinois Sig and our web
                                                                                   2005-06  2006-07  2007-08 2008-09 YTD

                                   2008-09 Annual Fund Honor Roll of Donors

            410 Club ($410+)         Wayne Maddux       1946   L. Milton McClure Jr.  1963  David A. Fewkes  1957
            George J. Burrows  1954   H. Huddler Moore Jr. 1946  Don A. Monteith  1964   Walter N. Shaw     1957
            Dennis D.Swanson  1961   William N. Herlernan  1948  Robert E.Goulding  1965  Samuel E.Hill     1958
            Michael T.Williams  1962  Herbert J. Rowe   1948   David P.Firnhaber  1966   Roger A. Derby     1961
            James E.Lynch     1978   Gene Fairbank      1949   Michael J. Kaminski  1969  William A. Hunt   1962
            David P:Blanke--  1981   George E.Mullins   1949   John H. Holliman   1970 ~-Dennis A Kjeidon   i964
                                     Alan Macdonald Jr.  1950  CarrollW.Slusher   1971   Philip W. Briggs   1965
            Chapter Sponsor           Daniel E.Stark    1950   Louis E.Vogt       1971   David K.Utz        1966
            ($250-$409.99)            Philip H.Stoddard  1950  Jack H. Behrens    1972   EdG.SchoenebergerJr. 1970
            Edward N. Koenig  1942   JamesW. McKinzie   1952   Terry R.Hendrickson  1972  Karl S.Pnazek     1971
            R.Jud Adams       1944   James C.Schmidt    1952   Ted L. Disabato    1974   Douglas R.Wilson   1975
            Benjamin C.Fisher  1948   Charles L.Sheppard  1953  Robert C.Dugan    1974   John Hinnen III    1979
            John E.H.Cassens  1949    Lee H.Stark       1953   Patrick W. Healy   1974   DougJ.Knapp        1980
            George R.Bristol  1951   John A. Bruggen    1954   Jack G. Horn       1974   William J. McDonnell  1982
            B.Crane Decamp    1953    Carl D.Dilsaver   1954   Bradley K.Vaughn   1975   Douglas Michael Sasso1983
            J. David Andrews  1955   Thomas C.Goad      1954   Arthur D.Gottlieb  1977   Donald S.Williams  1988
            Thomas N. Harvey  1955    Donald F.Manthei  1954   John A.Wunderlich  1977   Thomas S.Van Winkle 1990
            John C.Davis      1956   James D.McLaughlin  1954  Matthew T. Keeley  1979   Timothy R.Connor   1994
            Craig C.Hart      1956    Richard G.Wright  1955   David E.Ogdon      1980   James R.Escobar    1995
            Richard G Cline   1957    Richard E.Griffiths  1957  Michael W. Fleming  1981  Roger J.Guerin   1995
            Samuel H.Gore      1958   Howard D. McCracken 1957  John J. Dreyzehner  1985  Matthew C.Johnson  2001
            John J.Ruth       1959    R.Grant Smith     1957   John P.Holmes      1986
            Bruce F.Hart       1960   Hiles B.Stout     1957   Richard F.Hanson Jr. 1987  Other
            Larry A.Werries    1962   Richard L. McElhiney  1958  Douglas O.Ackerman 1990  John R.Beeson    1968
            Garen G. Bohlin    1969   Derald E.Brackmann  1959                           Daniel J. Lucado   1972
            Robert C.Wilson    1972   Edward C.Cleveland  1959  Chapter Guardian         William E.Lowry    1974
            EricW. Rahn        1975   Jerry R.Dycus     1959   ($50-$99.99)              Thomas A. Sandberg  1978
            Richard G.Cline Jr.  1983  Richard G. Fletemeyer 1959  Charles W. Bradt  1926  Benjamin J. Range  1993
            William W. Stitt   1983   Michael H.Walters  1959  James B.Wham       1940
                                      Richard A. McWard  1960  James C.Nelson     1948   Reflects gifts received as of
            Chapter Patron            Keith Miller      1960    Lloyd W.Thorson   1949   April 77,2009.
            ($100-$249.99)            John F.Rooney Jr.  1961  Chester E.Trost    1950
            David A. Horner    1943   C.Edward Harshbarger 1962  C.Fred Major Jr.  1951
            Boyd C.Paulson     1945   John H. Harrison  1963   Charles E.Seibert  1956

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