Page 3 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2009
P. 3
Are You Receiving our Monthly e-Letter?
If Not, It's Because We Don't Have Your Email Address!
J .C"'I~ S· (h· 1
We are missing email addresses for approximately 49% of our alumni members. 1f.11!! 1lIDi.ii1l1 I9m a I ,...
If you haven't been receiving our monthly e-Letter, please be sure to update jj ill~•. IiiJl UNIVERSITY OF ILLlNOI-S :f
your email address at (click on Edit Info after logging in) "'='",,",
or send it to our alumni office at (mention News _A~2mlstrat~!:...'.lot reg.ste~~~ollr MemberlD is:
Alumni Updates
Sigma Chi Illinois in the subject). SUPPOR the Annual Fund
Let your brothers know what you have
By increasing our email database, we can increase our electronic been up IO~Reprasenl your decade
by ~ubmi"lng lOll! A.lumn! IlpdaU!
communications program and save money on paper, printing and postage. .l2.!!n! Y?ur subm;ssion will be
featuredm next month's eletter.
Please help us with this effort by updating your email address - and those of Updated Members
brothers you're in contact with.
Th~ following brothers have updated
We NeedEIIlJilArldresses :rnonlhl,yeLette," Make sure your
'pr.ofil~ information is updated by
We're missing email addresses from the following alumni brothers. If you know of the email address of a brother listed
(or see your own name below), please send an email to our alumni relations office so we can update our records and
increase our email database (and our electronic communications program).
Note that this is just a partial listing of our lost email addresses. Visit for a full listing of all 840+
names on the lost emaillist.
Rev. Stephen R. Brown '60 Judd B. James '76 Paul Yocum '87 John C. Pellettiere '97
Dr. James Majors PhD '60 Robert H. Lee '78 Thomas P.Ellis '88 James L. Gleason '98
Lon D. Rademacher '60 John F.Strombeck '78 Joseph S. Segobiano '88 Andy Heisinger '98
Jonathan Wells '61 Michael Burkart '79 Jeffrey Christensen '89 Todd R. Kemp '98
John W. Easterbrook '61 Mark Dettro '79 Philip R. Miller '89 Douglas J. Pacaccio '98
James Brady '62 William J. Cleary III '80 Darren Gerrietts '90 Spencer S.Walse '98
Robert P.Robinson '62 Martin Kiesewetter '80 Larry W. Messer '90 Jimmy Narin Apichai '99
Mel Romani '62 Steven Lanter '80 Kevin Nordquist '90 Jeffrey L. Bersky '99
Jerome Burdick '63 John Madden '81 Troy N. Pudik '90 Jon Lind '99
Richard Amundsen '64 Kevin P.Willmann '81 Adam Baird '91 Benjamin Major '99
John D. Catching '64 Clifford M. Jones '82 Gregory Burd '91 Nicholas K. Karellas '00
Paul Christman Jr. '64 Steven L. Randell '82 Matthew F.Bretzlaff '91 Neil McAllister Jr. '00
Patrick D. Curran '65 David Schrader '82 Victor E.Armstrong III '92 Brandon Hansen '01
Brian Duniec '65 Eric D. Anderson '83 David L. Jones '92 Tyler Baker '02
David Swank '66 Donald M. Holmes '83 Ted Carris '93 Matthew M. Beu '02
John Tocks '66 David White '83 Patrick J. Doherty '93 Curtis Bilyeu '02
David Grogan '67 Brian Hart '84 Constantine Limberakis '93 Christopher M. Kant '02
Douglas B. Jackman '68 John K. Walker '84 Jeffrey B. O'Hare '93 Kasey Kluxdal '02
Marcus G. VanWinkle '68 Scott P.Walsh '84 George W. Tsoutsias '93 Joshua R. Bowlin '03
William J. Abraham Jr. '69 John A. Kazuk '85 Jeffrey B. Haab '94 Jeffrey Bradley '03
Vaughn D. Strong '70 David J. Lamb '85 William R. Munoz '94 Brendan E. Burfeind '03
John D. Zed row '70 Michael J. Luzenske '85 Scott Martin '95 Douglas R. Frandsen '03
Stephen Heninger '72 AnthonyTomassini '85 Daniel P.McNulty '95 Mark Georges '03
James Leary '72 Paul Chronis '86 Christopher Doran '96 Andrew Magda '03
T. Krueger Jr. '73 Theodore R.Groves '86 Jeffrey C. Kaiser '96 Scott Vanderweit '03
Ralph F.Visconti '74 John Holmes '86 Michael Lehmkuhl '96 Michael Walsh '03
David A. Prichard '75 John C. Roth '86 Ryan A. Finnamore '97 Joseph M. Lotysz '04
Kim Spear '75 Brian Schofield '86 Darren T. Olson '97
The JIIinois Sig 3