Page 2 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2009
P. 2


                                          Words from the Outgoing Consul

         After a busy semester, the school year is  The younger brothers of the house  bonds of brotherhood that exist among our
         coming to an end. After spending a second  are beginning to absorb and learn the  alumni members, and I am excited to be a
         term as the president of the Kappa Kappa  responsibilities and duties from the junior  part of that lifelong bond.
         Chapter, I can easilysay that we've made some  class that has been diligently running  As sad as I am to leave the position that
         great strides as brothers and as friends.  operations for the last year. I am fully  has served me so well over the last year, I am
                                             confident in all Out younger members that  elated to seewhat the future holds for the
              "/ am fully confident in all   they will uphold the honor and character that  house and its younger members.
             our younger members that        has been established here at 410.
           they will uphold the honor and       Sigma Chi has undoubtedly been an  IH,
         character that has been established  I influential part of my life, and I know that its  Jacob Metzger
                                             values and legacieswill carry with me many
                    here at 41D."            years after graduation. I have seen the great

                                                 CHAPTER REPORT

                                        Spring has Sprung at Kappa Chapter

          Sigs TakeAdvantage of Warmer Weather to Participate in Campus Activities and Make House Improvements

                                                       By Kris Drake 20 7 7.50

         The spring semester is alwaysan exciting and  forward to participating in Delta Delta Delta's  repainted the barbeque grill just in time for
         promising time at 410 E. John. The semester  Greeks At Bat, where we hope to make a run  some brotherhood cookouts before summer
         began with the initiation of 19 new brothers  for the championship. I would also like to  break.
  ---    in-a-beamiful-ceremonywith-terrifi-cwmni  --congranriatc-orrrinrramur:rl-b-;rskerbati fea~  - --Tllis  semestercouTcf1iildusTn~no'greater
         attendance. The ceremonies came to a close  on their recent first place finish in the league.  spirits. Brotherhood abound, the Kappa
         with an inspirational speech by Brother  With the warmer weather we have  Kappa chapter will continue to thrive at the
         Dick Cline '57 whose grandson, Andrew  found time to get outside and enjoy the  University of Illinois, being as active and as
         Cochrane '12, had just been initiated into  campus, which has prompted some physical  influential on the campus as ever.
         our chapter.                        renovations at 410 E. John. The '12 pledge
           This semester we have participated in  classhas begun work to revamp the sand
         Delta Gamma's Anchor Splash and are looking  volleyball court on the lawn and also has

                                         ALUMNI COMMUNICATIONS

                                         Illinois Sig Looking for a New Editor

                                                English Degree NOT Required

            Do you have a sense of humor? Know  publishing the semiannual newsletter. As a web admin,
            how to use a calendar? Have any   Training for the new editor is included for  you can post news features, photo albums
            communication skills?Of course you do  free if you sign up now.      and embarrassing stories or pictures of your
            because you've been to Illinois and got                              classmates.
            through a speach comm. class,and don't  "The position is a wonderful way  The position is a wonderful way to
            forget, you stood up in chapter and told  to stay in touch with the chapter  stay in touch with the chapter and your
            that story about your high school buddies                            buddies while helping the greater good
            and that goat. If you are still reading, then  and your buddies while helping the  of the chapter. Contact Don Williams
            you are a good candidate to become the  greater good of the chapter."  '88 at if you are
            new alumni editor for the Illinois Sig.                              interested, have any questions or you want
               The Illinois Sig is looking for a new  As a bonus, you can also help to  to volunteer one of your pledge brothers.
            editor to take over responsibilities for  maintain our alumni web site,

         2                                                                     May 2009
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