Page 5 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2009
P. 5

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                        '40s                  designed myself. Does it remind anyone of the      '60s
                                              architectural  style once used by the University
         H. Huddler Moore Jr. '46             architects in Champaign,  i.e. Georgian?  Phil Briggs '65
         (759 Coy Ln., Chagrin Falls, OH 44022)                                    (62 Blooming Grove Ln., Houston, TX
         Joan and I are doing fine, still skiing forS  James C. Nelson '48         77077-1928;  I
         days in Vail but missed the company of Jean  (617 Seventh St., Boulder City, NY 89005-  recently received a Jefferson Award for public
         and Ben Fisher '48, our regular companions  2947;  The 1948-49  service. [Ed. Note}: Find a link to the news story
         who had to stop skiing. Bob Bisehoff was a  Illinois basketball team was honored at  at
         sad loss. He and Dede have been great friends.  halftime of the January 10 game vs. Indiana. I
         We continue to travel and play tennis and  was senior manager of the team that year.    '70s
         golf and enjoy numerous family activities in
         Charlotte, NC and Portland, OR. We love the  George Mullins '49           Ted Disabato '73
         continued  strength of Sigma Chi as well as my  (109 Lockerbie Lane, Mooresville, NC 28115;
         Kappa Kappa Chapter.         This old Sigma  (2426 Dundonald  Lane, Flossmoor, IL
                                              Chi varsity swimmer is still swimming at age  60422-1839;  ted.disabators'disabato.corn)
         Neal Hammon' 48                      83. Last year I entered the North Carolina  I established Disabato Advisers in 1994, an
         (139 Fox Run Rd., Shelbyville, KY 40065;  State Senior Olympic Games and swam in  independent  investment consulting firm for
         nohammonwearthlink.ner)  A short note from  five events: 50 yd., 100 yd.,200 yd. and 500  institutional  investors, such as coprorate retire-
         a member of                          yd. freestyle, and the 50 yd. breaststroke. I  ment plans, endowments  and foundations,
         the class of                         won five gold medals and set four NC state  healthcare institutions  and public funds. The
         1948 who is                          records. What a blessing to be physically well  firm currently advises $7 billion for clients
         still kicking.                       and very active.                     across the US, an increase of about $1 billion
         I frequently                            Being a member of the Sigma Chi   in the last year. The firm is looking to hire
         hear from                            fraternity has been a source of strength  new investment analysts and would be happy
         some of my                           and confidence for me all my life. It has  to speak with Illinois graduates this year.
         classmates who                       contributed  to my happiness and success in  Matthew T. Keeley '79
         have retired                         everything I have done.
                                                                                   (564 Mayfair Lane, Naperville, -IL 60565)
         to various
         locations such                                     '50s                   I visited Travis Murphy  '78 at his palatial
         as Colorado                                                               home in Minneapolis. Travis and his lovely
         and Florida. I                       Michael H. Walters '59               wife, Laurel, are longtime friends of my wife
         am still living                      (1024 Barton Ct., Glenview, IL 60025-4426;  Susan and 1. Travis remains loyal to Illinois
         in Shelby County, Kentucky, which is only 35  mhwaltersOO  I have great  despite resurgence of the Golden Gophers!
         miles from where I was born, in Louisville. I  career expanding my company, Carnegie
         like myoid house, which, being an architect, I  Resources, Inc.

                                                   PHOTO       ALBUM

                                        Help Us Build Up our Photo Archives!

            Do you want to see more great alumni photos in our newsletter
            and on our web site?Then help us to build up our photo archives!
            If you have great pictures from your Sigma Chi days or of a more
            recent reunion, please send them to our editors at content@affini
   (mention Sigma Chi Illinois in the subject). Your
            submissions may be chosen to appear in an upcoming issue of The
            Illinois Sig or our monthly e-Letter,

            In this photo: Orange and blue Sigsat a Bearsgame. Pictured (L to
            R): Ryan Johnson '05, Brice Eldridge '05, Andrew Dremak '03,
            Bryce Rapp '05, Stuan Robertson '05, Elliot Mata '03 and Mike
            Hampton '05.

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