Page 6 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2009
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                                                  CHAPTER NEWS

                                              A Different Kind of Service

                                 Undergraduate Adam Lawson '09 Answers the Call of Duty
                                                      By Kris Drake 2011.50

            Service holds a special place in the lives of  Air Force out of high school in August  tour working in Baghdad. He worked
            the men from the Kappa Kappa chapter  2001 and after extensive training he was  in the Interrogation  Operations  Branch
            of Sigma Chi. Through various philan-  selected for the occupation  of Intelligence  of Multi-National  Forces Iraq. His tour
            thropies our brothers have bettered our  Journeyman.  He was stationed in Las Vegas  ended in April 2008 and he returned
            communities  and continue to do so after  for three years in which his job entailed  to the University of lllinois in June to
            they graduate. However there is another  military analysis on several Asian states'  resume summer classes. Currently he is
            type of service that is often overlooked by  air and air defense forces. He also worked  a senior pursuing a Bachelor's degree in
            many college students; as they study for  as a Mission Coordinator  for the remotely  International  Studies with a minor in'
            exams and make friends around campus  piloted aircraft Predator, providing recon-  Islamic.~tudies,  He plans to graduate in
            there are men and women across the globe  naissance over Afghanistan. After being  May 2  and is currently searching for
            who serve their country through military  stationed in Las Vegas he switched over to  employrilent after obtaining his degree,
            service. Kappa Kappa has had a storied  reserves and began applying to various uni-  It is an honor to call Adam a brother of
            military history with many of our broth-  versities. He was accepted at the University  the Kappa Kappa Chapter. The example he
            ers serving our country over the years,  of Illinois and began classes in August  has set adds to the character of our broth-
            However in a time when military service is  2005.                    erhood and has inspired others around
            entirely voluntary, fewer men have taken  The summer of his junior year,  him. We want to wish him a successful
            up the call. That cannot be said for Adam  Adam was called out of the reserves  career in which he will continue to serve
            Lawson '09 from Alton, IL         due to the ongoing war in Iraq. He was  our chapter and his country.
              Adam enlisted in the United States  deployed in October 2007 and spent his
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