Page 2 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2007
P. 2

UNDERGRAD              &A

         David Bernbaum '09.5, Current Undergraduate Tribune, Earns His Leadership Skills
               by Holding Down Job and Being Active on Campus and with Kappa Kappa

                             Favorite Sigma Chi Events are Initiation  Week and Homecoming

      Q: What semester standing are you,    Q: Are you an officer? If so, what is your  A: I am hoping to work at the Chicago Board
         and what is your major?              position and what do you do?          of Trade, with a trading group, or continue
      A: I am a sophomore in the college of business  A: I am the Tribune, which entails  school and earn my masters.
         finance program.                     communicating  with alumni and keeping
                                              them up-to-date  on the status of the  Q: How do you feel Sigma Chi experiences
      Q: Why did you choose to join the       chapter. I also send out thank you letters,  will influence your future?
         Sigma Chi &aternity?                 write articles for the Magazine of  A: Sigma Chi has really helped me improve my
      A: I was really attracted to the fact that so  Sigma Chi, and help with the Illinois  communication  skills because I am always
         many guys with different interests and  Sigma Chi Magazine.                working with other people on projects.
         personalities could all unite with a certain                               I also think that it has helped me develop
         connection.  I wasn't really sure exactly  "The strength of our relationship  my leadership skills.
         what that connection  was when I was  with our alumni is what makes
         rushing, but after initiation and pledgeship
         I completely understand  it.         us different than a lot of other

                                 CURRENT ACTIVE CHAPTER OFFICERS

             Consul                            Steward                           Historian
            Jason Detweiler '08                Robert Strozak '08                Sean Dunn '09
             Pro Consul                        Rush Chairs                       Intramural  Chair
             Allen Cullinan '08                Tony Piscopo '09                  David Bernbaum '09.5
             House Manager                     John Vitols '09                   Computer  Chair
             Michael Hedge Jr. '09             Matthew Bossemeyer '08.5          Sean Dunn '09
                                               Kevin Elberts '09
             Annotator                                                           Risk Manager
             Chris Harris '08                  Ritual Chairs                     Vladimir Vranes '08.5
                                               Robert Strozak '08
             Magister                          Tyler Pickering '08               Football Block Chair
             Ben Eder'09                       Bobby Higgins '09                 Ryan McCoy '08
             Quaestor                          Tribune                           Dad's Day Chair
             Rob Main '09                      David Bernbaum '09.5              Arthur Baker '09
             Kustos                            Philanthropy  Chairs              Bobby Higgins '09
            Tom Moore '10                      Rich Hackmann '08                 Homecoming  Chairs
             Scholarship  Chairs               Matt Christensen '09              Connor McCarthy '09
            John Leonard '09                   Derby Days Chairs                 Tyler Pickering '08
             Arthur Baker '09                  Kevin Elberts '09                 House Improvement  Chair
             Social Chairs                     Shawn Durrani '09                 Rick Hackmann '08
             Colin Abert '08                   Brother At Large                  Green Room Chair
            Josh Rowell '08                    John Vitols '09                   Bobby Higgins '09

       2                                Visit us on the web:                       April 2007
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