Page 3 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2007
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Alumni Honored for Their Accomplishments:
Dick Cline '57 for his Leadership and Philanthropy; President
Max Lee Hooper '54 for his Help in Winning the 1950 Jack Davis '56
State Basketball Championship
Cline Thanks Sigma Chi for Theirlnfluence on His Success Vice President
By Paul "Swede" Luhrsen '54 Steve Sarovich '75
Dick Cline '57 Planning 10 1: Most of their grandchildren and Secretary
recently was awarded all of their children were present for Grandpa's
the "2007 Chicago award.) Steve Thayer '88 organized and hosted Steve Thayer '88
Illini of the Year" at a Sig table, as we Sigs helped honor Dick.
the Chicago University Treasurer
Club. Every year The Max Lee Hooper '54 was honored as an Eric Rahn '75
University of Illinois ISHA basketball LEGEND, as part of the
Alumni Association 75 th celebration of the Illinois High School
Dick Cline was and the Chicago Association Basketball Tournament. Over Illinois Sig Editor
honored for his Illini Club honor the 50 former players and coaches were honored Don Williams '88
accomplishments accomplishments of between games with this recognition.
in a recent prominent Illinois Somehow, those two Mt. Vernon state
alumni living in the championships in 1948 and 1949 and Max's Scholarship &
Chicago area, and, stellar play will never be forgotten. Huff Gym University Relations
most specifically, those alumni who have will never be the same. Max and Jane were in William T.McKinzie '81
make a significant impact on the local Peoria to participate in that milestone event.
community. Our Brother Dick meets and Robert Dauphinais '97
exceeds that criterion. He was recognized as
"a philanthropist and civic leader, Cline has Property Plant & Equipment
empathized values and leadership throughout Paul Bateman '03
his career as chief executive officer of many
well-known corporations, jn<;lt,tW);lgjewel, Todd Kalesperis '~5
Osco, and NICOR." Eric Rahn '75
In Dick's acceptance remarks he recognized
the training and valuable experience he gained
I as an Illinois undergraduate and as a SIGMA Alumni Relations
I Peter F.Steger '79
I, CHI! He also acknowledged that he was most
proud of his 50-year marriage to Carole, their Max Hooper sits third from the left in the
four children, and 15 grandchildren. (Carole front row. He helped win the Mount Vernon Undergraduate Relations
and Dick both received an "A" in Family 1950 Illinois state basketball championship.
Ryan Griffin '05
Adam Miller '03
Successful Programs Show Results ...continued from page 1
Chapter Advisor
a 2.5 or better; 24 out of 26 pledges received a support between the active chapter and our Val C.Simhauser '76
2.5 or better; and 14 brothers and six pledges alumni. It is my strong desire that by no
achieved a GPA of 3.5 or better. later than next fall, the Cornerstone Program Directors
Being introduced in the spring semester is: will be available to all of the chapters within
the scholarship mentoring program, wherein the Heartland Region of Sigma Chi, which Mark V.Anderson '77
each pledge will receive scholastic guidance includes Kappa Kappa. It is my belief that Robert A. Cagann '61
and support from a mentor; and the Choices with the development of the Scholarship and Bradley M. Dorchinecz '92
Program, which is designed to teach each Choices Programs, and the installation of the James Hall '76
member about the issues and problems Cornerstone Mentoring Program, we will see
related to excessive use of alcoholic beverages. a change of culture at Kappa Kappa that is Brent Schutte '96
It is encouraging that the Scholarship and already being expressed by the improvement
the Choices Programs not only have had in scholarship and the much higher interest Director Emeritus
scholastic benefits, but also a much increased in fraternity and university activities.
interest in campus and fraternity involvement I am proud that the Kappa Kappa House Wesley E.Lindberg '57
by the active chapter. Corporation is made up of a Board of Merrill E.Prichard' 48
Speaking for the Board of Directors of Directors who are keenly interested in the John Wunderlich '77
the Kappa Kappa House Corporation and future of Sigma Chi at the University of
myself, I am pleased to state that we continue Illinois. I thank all of these brothers for their
to see a much-increased level of interest and effort and support.
The Illinois Sig Visit us on the web: 3