Page 6 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2007
P. 6
ALUMNI UPDATES degree at California Lutheran University in 2007 at Holy Spirit Catholic Church
southern California; and our son, Ben, is in in Naperville. My beautiful daughter,
'40s his second year at Arizona State University. Ava Elizabeth Houston, turns one on
He plays defense on the ASU hockey April 1, 2007.
Neal Hammon '48 team, he's 6'2" and 210 lbs (just like his
(139 Fox Run Rd., Shelbyville, KY 40065; Dad!). Unfortunately, he doesn't have time Derek Ferguson '02 I would like to for pledging with his hockey, but he does (949 W Madison Sr., #304, Chicago,
inform my fraternity brothers, especially frequent the parties at the Sigma Chi house! IL 60607;
those who were in or near the class of I was married to Katie Caplis (University of
1948 who might remember me, that I have Gregory Pace '77 Illinois, Alpha Chi Omega) on October 28,
published my fourth book. This one is a little (24 South Elm St., Hinsdale, IL 60521; 2006. We've recently purchased a home in
different from the others. It is called "The I am pleased to let Wicker Park (Chicago) that we'll be moving
Forgotten Ship in the Forgotten War," and you all know that I was able to initiate my into shortly.
the distribution outlets are not established younger son, John Henry, into our fraternity Ali Bakir '05
yet, but you can get one from me. The book at the University of Miami, FL this past
is the story of the cruiser USS Helena during November. I was scheduled to be in Europe, (11112 Lathrop
the Korean War, as seen through the eyes of Ibut was able to reschedule and surprise him. Ave., River
a junior officer (me). It has photos, maps, It was incredibly exciting for both of us. He Forest, IL 60305;
chose Miami to play football, and to attend alibakir@gmail.
and quite a number of cartoons. My wife
likes to say that during the war I was the fleet their school of engineering. com) I was
cartoonist. I shall send a copy to the present My older son, Greg Jr., a senior at the accepted by Harris
active members, to show them what a crazy University of Colorado in Boulder; played Bank for their
50 games as a starting longsnapper on the Bussiness Banking
bunch we were back then. Development Program starting in August.
'50s Buffalo's football team. Unfortunately, there Currently, I am a realtor looking to hook up
is not a Sigma Chi chapter at Boulder, but
he co-founded Sigma Alpha Epsilon at the any true brothers (I take no commission from
John 'Iruemper Jr. '50 university and served as its second president. any Sigma Chi). I've included a photo of me
(6502 Cantrell Rd., Little Rock, He is seeking to begin a coaching career at a and Timothy Fiscella '05 at the house at
AR 72207-4219; wtrumprs'swbell.ner) major university. My wife of almost 30 years, Halloween, 2002.
I thought this drawing from the last 1940s Patsy, and I still live ih Hinsdale.
might interest you. '80s
-~~-;::;. ....=-~.- ~ ~ .•
We want to reach as many brothers
as we can and we need your help. If you
have contact information for any other the
following brothers, please e-mail it
Make sure to mention that it is
for Sigma Chi at Illinois.
Harold S.Wandling '43
Martin Gawne '80
Donald Shanklin '45
(851 W Gunnison St., Unit
George C. Lecones '48
I, Chicago, IL 60640-4262;
Visit the Archive section of the Download Russell S.Meyer '76
Center at to see a Martin, his wife, Jean, and their children Robert C. Hoffman '79
larger version of the drawing. Jackie (14) and Charlie (11), hiked to the David C. Myles '80
'70s summit of the Pacaya Volcano in Guatemala, Michael E.Rediger '91
August, 2006. Lawrence E.Ryan '92 j
Andrew M. Patras '99
Gary Crow '74
(7355 E. Vaquero Dr., Scottsdale, AZ Don Pescara '85 Kasey S.Kluxdal '02
85258-2097; I'm still (4 Charlston Rd. Hinsdale 60521-5003; Thomas F.Reutter '03
with Oracle Corporation (largest enterprise I am still Lars H. Anderson '04
Struan Craig Hope Robertson 'as
software company in the world) after 12+ buying commercial and industrial properties
years. I am a regional manager in our Global nationally.
Customer Services group, which provides 'OOs Grad Year Unknown:
executive-level account management to our Grant Cunningham
largest customers. Barb and I are still living Andy Houston '00 Michael L. Hughes
in Scottsdale, AZ and will be celebrating (1818 Snead Street, Bolingbrook, IL 60490; Douglas B.Johnson
our 33 d anniversary this year. Our daughter, I am marrying James Rowe
Katie, is finishing up her undergraduate my fiance, Tracy Joy Bentson, on May 5,
6 Visit us on the web: April 2007