Page 7 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2007
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We Need Your Photos For Our Web Site!

            Your submissions are what keep our website content  Visit  to view them on the site. Alumni updates
            fresh and interesting. Send your photos and alumni  can include any of the following:
            updates to  or  -1- Recent events in your personal life (engagements, weddings, babies, etc);
            upload them on the website at  -2- Recent promotions  or accomplishments  at work;
            Make sure to mention that they are for Sigma Chi
            at Illinois.                               -2- What you have done since college; and
                                                       -3- If there are any brothers who you recently reunited with or would like
                                                          to reconnect with.

                                                    HONOR ROLL

                   Thank you to these brothers who have already donated to the 2006-2007 annual fund!
          Chapter Patron            C. Edward Harshbarger  1962  B.Crane Decamp 1953     Dues

          Edward N. Koenig 1942     John H. Harrison 1963      Lee H. Stark 1953         Charles W. Bradt 1926
          David A. Horner 1943      L. Milton McClure Jr.1963  Robert M. Culbertson  Jr.1954  John D. Hayes 1942
          R.Jud Adams 1944          Garen G. Bohlin 1969      Thomas C.Goad 1954         Merrill E.Prichard 1948
          Paul E.Hamer 1945         Ronald M. Dell 1969       J. David Andrews  1955     Fred L. Steers Jr.1948
          Boyd C. Paulson 1945      Michael J. Kaminski 1969   Philip E.Chappel Jr.1956  Phillip A. DeCamp 1949
          Robert D. Bischoff 1948   John H. Holliman  1970    Thomas J. Holzbog  1956    Robert S.Bills 1950
          William N. Herleman  1948  Carroll W. Slusher 1971   Hiles B.Stout 1957        Thomas J. Hollingsed  1950
          Herbert J. Rowe 1948      Terry R.Hendrickson  1972  Samuel E.Hill 1958        C.Fred Major Jr.1951
          David A. Brierley 1949    Hugh D. Robinson 1111972   Derald E.Brackmann  1959  Dea IiF.Ana€"TsOn 195""3:---""'''''''··
          John E.H. Cassens 1949    Robert C.Wilson 1972       Richard G. Fletemeyer  1959  Donald G. Kane 1956
          Thomas E.Wood 1949        Ted L.Disabato  1974       Don A. Monteith  1964     Thomas L./'0acMilian  1957
          James J. Pardieck 1950    Jack G. Horn 1974          Robert E.Goulding  1965   Richard Wallace Hoff 1959
          Daniel E.Stark 1950       David A. Kane 1974        James E.Redpath Jr.1965    Roger A. Maupin  1959
          George R.Bristol 1951     Eric W. Rahn 1975          Philip J. Rushing 1967    David L.Thomas 1960
          Jesse Robert Stone 1951   William F.Uecker 1975      Patrick W. Healy 1974     Carl F.FaustJr.1961
          James W. McKinzie 1952    Jeffrey L. Conrad 1976     Bradley K.Vaughn 1975     Philip W. Briggs 1965
          Charles L. Sheppard  1953  William L. RunzellV  1978  John T. Bradford 1977    Thomas A. Sandberg  1978
          Paul M. Vornle 1953       David P.Blanke 1981       Gary L. Erb 1979           Douglas Michael Sasso 1983
          George J. Burrows 1954    William T. McKinzie 1981   Matthew  T. Keeley 1979   Donald S.Williams  1988
          Carl D. Dilsaver 1954     Wa rren A. James 1984      Dan R.Moehle 1980         Benjamin J. Range 1993
          Richard G.Wright  1955    Erik D. Barefield 1989     David E.Ogdon  1980       Brian L.Thiede 1997
          John C. Davis 1956                                  Jay A. Pickett 1980        Robert A. Dauphinais  1998.5
          Craig C. Hart 1956        Chapter Sponsor            Robert S.Andersen  1981   Brian J. Gustavson  1999
          Richard G Cline 1957                                 Paul D. Brown 1981
                                    Myron S.Pfeifer 1943
          Robert Klaus 1957                                   William J. McDonnell  1982
                                    James C.Craven 1947
          Paul H. Prehn 1959                                  Charles L. Groebe 1983
                                    Julian J. Collins Jr.1950
          John J. Ruth 1959                                    Robert S.Larson 1983
                                    C.William Frank 1950
          Chester G. Elias Jr.1960                            John J. Dreyzehner  1985
                                    Alan Macdonald  Jr.1950
          Richard A. McWard 1960                               Scott A. Morgan  1989
                                    Philip H. Stoddard  1950
          Robert A. Cagann 1961                                Douglas O. Ackerman  1990
                                    Randall A. West 1951
          Roger A. Derby 1961                                  David J. Burden 1992
                                    Howard W. Robinson  1952
          Dennis D.Swanson  1961                               Michael J. Larson 1992
                                    James C. Schmidt  1952
                                                              William Luthy 1995
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