Page 8 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2007
P. 8

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                       Two Kappa Kappa Sigma Chi's Named Significant Sigs in 2006:
                                     "Herbert J. Rowe '48 and Jon A. Anda '79

                          Extensive Career Successes and Community Service Activity Garner Kudos

               Two more Kappa Kappa Sigma      community  involvement  and awards,  global equity capital markets, global
               Chi alumni were named Significant  including his service to the Boy Scouts  head of corporate finance, global
               Sigs in 2006. The award recognizes  of America, his work as director of the  head of equity markets, co-head of
               achievement that has brought honor  Electronic Industries Foundation,  and  global capital markets, and head of
               and prestige to the fraternity. The  for his honorary doctorate from the  the Asian institutional  equity and
               Kappa Kappa named were Herbert  London Institute for Applied Research.  Asian investment banking divisions.
               J. Rowe' 48 and Jon A. Anda '79,                                Additionally, he was recognized for
               bringing the number of Significant Sigs                          his community  service, including his
               from the Illinois chapter to 3i>    "The award recognizes        service on the board of directors of the

                 Sigma Chi recognized Rowe for  achievement that has brought    Asia Society and the Carver Center,
               his career in business as president   honor and prestige         his work with the President's Council
               of the Rowe Corp., president of        to the fraternity."       of Environmental  Defense, and his
               Enclave of Naples, Inc., president                               role as a member of Northwestern
               of the International  Electronics                                University's Kellogg Graduate School
               Federation, and treasurer of Quality  Sigma Chi recognized Anda for his  of Management's  advisory board.
               Wholesale Foods of Southwest Florida.  career with Morgan Stanley, where he  (From The Magazine of Sigma Chi;
               Additionally, he was recognized for his  was managing director and co-head of -  Winter 2006-2007)

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