Page 4 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2007
P. 4

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                   Twenty-Five     New Brothers Initiated       and Three Graduating        Seniors
                                       Preparing    for Post-College    Careers
                                Three Brothers Attain Seats on the Interfraternity  Council

                                               By David Bernbaum '09.50, Tribune

       It has been an exciting semester here at the  President of Risk Management  for the  Our seniors are enjoying their last
       Kappa Kappa Chapter. Many alumni came  IFC. Brother Rob Main '09 was elected to  semester and getting ready to enter the real
       to the chapter house to participate in the  Judiciary Board for the IFC, and Brother  world.  Brother Wayne VonderHeide  '07 will
       initiation of 25 new brothers. Our spring  Andrew Sullivan '09 is running for Vice  be living in Cincinnati  and working for Kraft
      pledge class consists of 11 potential brothers,  President of Scholarship for the IFC. Rob  in their management  development  division.
       and the group has been doing very well. Also,  also was elected into the student government  Brother John Corradetti  '07 will be working
      we hosted a very successful steak and lobster  as the sole representative for the College  as project manager on a $500-million  Dan
      scholarship dinner at the chapter house, which  of Business Finance. He is planning on  Ryan project for Walsh Construction  while
      more than 30 teachers attended.      running for Student Trustee next semester,  working on his masters in Civil Engineering.
         Kappa Kappa has been very active  which would make him the sole student  Brother Chase Murray  '07 will be working
      in philanthropy  and service projects this  representative at the Board of Trustee  for Navigant Consulting  following graduation
      spring. We participated  in many Greek  meetings.                         this spring.
       philanthropies,  such as: Alpha Phi's King of
      Hearts, Delta Gamma's Anchor Splash, Alpha
       Chi Omega's Paintbal] Challenge, and Delta
       Delta Delta's Greeks at Bat. Kappa Kappa also
      has been involved with service projects, such
       as moving Habitat for Humanity  into their
       new offices and working in a food pantry/
      soup kitchen every Sunday. We are excited to
      kick off a new campaign to raise money for
       our scholarship and hOU5elmprovement  unds                                                                        -»:
       this semester, too.
         Kappa Kappa has been very active on
                                             Brothers help clear the demolition debris  Brothers get dirty in the dumpster for the
       campus this semester. We have gained a few  project. From left to right: Dave Lamb '10,  From left to right: Troy Spoon '08, Chad
                                                                                    Habitat for Humanity service project.
                                              during the Habitat for Humanity service
      .-J          '09 was elected to Vice  Chuck Martin '09.S0,Jim Caldwell '07, Mark  Huston '09.50, Mark Nelson '08,Jason
              seats within the Interfraternity
       Council (IFC) and Student Senate. Brother
      Shawn Durrani
                                                 Nick '08, and T.F.Carris '07.50.
                                                                                   "FHB" Grant '09, and Todd Lieske '07 .
                            RECENT INITIATES AND CURRENT PLEDGES
                2010, '09, and·'09.S Initiates:                    PatTobin  '10       Itasca,IL
                                                                   JerryVassalia  11'10  Downers Grove, IL
                Jared Abert '10     Believille,IL
                                                                   Mike Virgilio '10   Bloomingdale,IL
                Paul Biasco '10     Glenview,IL
                                                                   Quentin  McCarthy '09  Winnetka,IL
                Pat Etchingham  '10  Arlington  Heights, IL
                                                                   Kevin McAndrews  '09  Evanston,IL
                Pat Gale '10        Crest Hill, IL
                                                                   Eric Baratta '09.5  Frankfort,IL
                Mike Hallahan '10   Elmhurst,IL
                Joe Holloran '10    St. Louis, MO                                                                        •  f
                John Kobiljak '1 0  Elmhurst,IL                    2010.5 Pledges:
                Nick Lagattuta  '10  Park Ridge, IL                Stan Borysek        Orland Park, IL
                Ryan Leahy'l  0     Itasca,IL                      Bruce Douglas       Woodridge,IL
                Tom Moore '10       Lake Zurich, IL                Ryan Downs          River Grove, IL
                Matt Parenti '10    Park Ridge, IL                 Kody Karhliker      Chatham,IL
                Colin Porter'l  0   Homer Glenn, IL                Matt Malfeo         Orland Park, IL
                Jamie Ruben '10     Park Ridge, IL                 Matt McGinnis       Orland Park, IL
                Louis Salvino '10   Melrose Park, IL               Jake Metzger        Overland  Park, KS
                Scott Shapiro '10   Glenview,IL                    Kevin O'Brien       Palatine,IL
                Jeff Sindelar'l  0  LaGrange,IL                    Willie Ramirez      Springfield,IL
                Scott Spinney "10   Winnetka,IL                    Dan Ruff            Hinsdale,IL
                Jesse Stumpf  '10   Columbia,IL                    Phil Sherlock       Chicago,IL
                Peter Terracciano  '10  Briarcliff Manor, NY
       4                                Visit us on the web:                       April 2007
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