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Sigma Chi Fraternity  |  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  |  Summer 2012
                                  Alumni Relations Office  |  P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366  |

                                         Alumni Spotlight Member: Michael Church ’05

           In This Issue:          Editor’s Note:  For this edition of The Illinois Sig we’re shining the Spotlight
                                   on Michael Church ’05. Michael is currently the Operations Manager for
                                   Sigma Chi.  He has been an asset to us since he graduated, and we are very
       Michael Church              excited to share what he has been up to.  Read on to find out!
       Spotlight ......................... 1
       President’s Report .......... 1  What brought you to the Kappa  also be that way for me. Between
       From the Consul ............. 3  Kappa house?           John, Mike and Ben – and a host
                                                               of  other  guys  in  the  chapter  –  I
       Spring Recruitment ........ 3  Like  many  young  men  who  end  came to understand what a tight-
       Member Spotlight .......... 4  up as a fraternity man, I had no  knit  group  of  brotherhood  was
       Chapter Officers ............. 4  intention  of  joining  a  fraternity  all  about  and  immediately  felt
       Fall Football Schedule ... 5  and had never even heard of Sigma  comfortable with my decision to   At  the  Constantine  Memorial  Chapter
                                                                                             Monument in February 2012.
                                  Chi. I rushed a few fraternities in  accept my bid.
       Alumni News ................. 5  the fall of my freshman year but
       Chapter Eternal .............. 6  didn’t feel right about any of them  Do  you  have  any  stories/fond  What  type  of  work  did  you
                                  and  summarily  wrote  off  going  memories that you can share?  want  to  do  with  your  Speech
                                  Greek.                                                     Communication degree?
                                      During  the  fall  semester,  I  More than I can count. Probably
                                  became  very  close  with  John  the  most  important  memory  that  Honestly,  I  had  no  idea  at  the
                                  Vossoughi  ’04  who  was  a  continues  to  fuel  my  Sigma  Chi  time. I went through a roundabout
                                  floormate  in  Forbes  Hall.  John  fire is the initiation of the ‘06’50  series of different majors because
                                  knew  a  few  guys  in  the  chapter  class.  Serving  as  their  Magister  I  couldn’t  figure  out  what  I
                                  and convinced me to give Sigma  was,  and  still  is,  one  of  the  wanted to do with my life. I have
                                  Chi a try. When I went over to the  highest  honors  I’ve  ever  held  in  a very altruistic side that I didn’t
                                  chapter for spring 2002 rush, I ran  my life. I remember the emotions  discover  until  later  and  couldn’t
                                  into  Mike  Elberts  ’04  and  Ben  that  they  had  at  that  moment  pin down when I was in college. I
                                  Mruk  ’04  who  had    graduated  and  the  feeling  of  pride  and  knew that it was important to me
                                  from  my  high  school  the  year  optimism I held for each of them  to make a difference in the world
                                  ahead of me and were both active  about  the  Sigma  Chi  experience  but I never could quite connect the
                                  in the chapter – Mike as Magister  that  awaited  them.  Helping  to  dots between my course of study
                                  and Ben as Rush Chairman.    facilitate  an  opportunity  for  and  my  altruistic  nature.  The
                                      I  had  always  looked  up  to  young  men  to  better  themselves  advice  I  would  offer  to  today’s
     Mike, left, with close friend and former   Mike  and  Ben  and  immediately  is not something I took lightly –  students who haven’t figured out
     staff  member  and  Sig  from  University
     of  Oregon,  Adam  Peterson,  post-  felt  that  if  Sigma  Chi  was  the  I won’t forget what that moment
     marathon October 2011.       right  place  for  them,  it  could  did for me.               Church, Continued on Page 2

                         President’s Report - Spring 2012                          Corp Board is to advise and provide guidance
                                                                                   for the undergrads to achieve success.
                                            By Eric W. Rahn  ’75                       The Board recently met with next year’s
                        y  most  measures,  anew with challenges for the undergraduates  newly elected leaders to discuss plans for the
                    Bthe      undergraduate  and their leaders.  This may sound like a broken  2012-2013 school year.  Several of last year’s
                    chapter   had   a   very  record, but one of the biggest challenges facing  leaders  were  also  in  attendance.   The  house
                    successful   2011-2012  the  chapter  is  continuity  and  sustainability.   was  full  this  past  year  and  the  undergrads
                    year!    The  Kappa  Kappa  For the most part, undergrads now only live  expect  to  have  68  to  70  living  in  when  the
     Corporation  (“KKC”)  Board  (“Board”)  has  in the house their sophomore and junior years.   house opens in August.  As board members,
     added several new young directors and seeks  This  means  the  primary  officers  for  the  fall  we have encouraged the undergrads to focus
     to  add  additional  qualified  directors.    And  semester  are  being  elected  in  the  spring  of  heavily  on  scholarship,  rushing  and  their
     despite  ongoing  challenges,  the  finances  of  their sophomore year when they have not had  pledge  program.    Progress  was  made  in  all
     both the undergraduate chapter and KKC are  a great deal of opportunity to serve in other  areas this past year.  As we go to press, we still
     in good shape.                         offices and grow in wisdom and experience.
        Despite the past success, each year starts  One of the primary goals of the Kappa Kappa   President, Continued on Page 6
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