Page 3 - The Illinois Sig - Summer 2012
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Chapter News Spring Recruitment 2012
he Kappa Kappa chapter of Sigma Chi is happy to
Tannounce that this year’s spring pledge class was
the largest any brother has seen in the past four years.
The recruitment chairs were pleased to announce that 21
young men had accepted to introduce themselves to the
wonders of Sigma Chi’s pledgeship.
The current pledge class is fully underway with
discovering not only the great mysteries of Sigma
Chi, but the importance of our literature, founders,
brotherhood, and ritual. As the weeks went by, the
pledges were introduced to the brothers of the Fraternity
and formally given opportunities to get to know them on
a personal basis. As this academic school year comes to
an end, the current pledge class is still in the process of
getting to know every single one of the brothers.
In terms of the formalities associated with the
current pledge class, they are given assignments every
Sunday that, as mentioned before, introduce them to
the basics of our literature, founders, and teachings.
Up to now, the pledges have done a marvelous job at
learning the Jordan Standard, The Spirit of Sigma Chi,
and The Badge; all of these are pieces of literature that
From the Consul . . . the Fraternity has to live our lives by, day in and day
he spring for homework, studying, and sleeping. out. These pieces of literature teach our pledges the
responsibilities of being a Sigma Chi. Thus far, their
Tsemester has The other room will be a common area dedication and motivation to succeed will soon give
been a great semester for the undergraduate brothers. This them sufficient knowledge to initiate.
and the brotherhood room will include couches, televisions, As a whole, the pledge class stands strong at 12
has continued to and small table space. A large amount young men. Though the Fraternity has lost a few pledges,
flourish. The Kappa of the furniture being purchased for it must be understood and accepted that Sigma Chi is not
Kappa Chapter at these rooms is being paid for by the for everyone. Instead, it is for those who seek to find and
the University of Illinois at Urbana- Sigma Chi Mom’s Club so we thank exemplify the ideals of Sigma Chi within themselves.
Champaign has remained a prominent the mothers for all their hard work. We look forward to the initiation of these young men,
chapter at a prestigious institution and The brothers have worked hard which lies just around the corner.
continuing to strive for excellence with to create an atmosphere in which
a house GPA above a 3.0, a deep respect the chapter house is treated with the
for the ritual and its teachings, and utmost respect. Although the chapter
generally true friendship. The spring house is constantly improved upon, a
rush period concluded with 12 new chapter house that is over 100 years
members for the semester. The chapter of age faces issues. The chapter house
continues to excel in philanthropic could use any bit of financial help to
work and was able to make donations assist the quality of the house.
of $6,000 to Children’s Miracle Our newly elected Consul for
Network and $5,000 to the Sigma Chi fall semester of next year is Jack
Foundation. Etchingham, a sophomore in the
There are currently 69 active College of Business as well. I am
brothers living in the chapter house. confident in his abilities and the
Improvements to the chapter house abilities of all the brothers on the New members (15s) at our Mom’s Day weekend.
include creating a poker room Executive Board for next semester.
equipped with a television, sigma chi As my second term as Consul comes
table and chairs in the room off of the to an end, I am proud to have served Save the Date!
foyer. Patio furniture has also been our prominent chapter and extremely
purchased for Jones Porch through our appreciative to have been given the Homecoming 2012
house improvements funds. opportunity.
Our plans for future renovations
include re-tiling the kitchen area and In Hoc, Saturday, October 27 vs. Indiana
completely renovating the two large
rooms on the third floor this summer. Join us for pre-game tailgating!
The one room will be filled with bunk Jimmy Martin ’13 Game Time is 11:00 a.m.
beds and desks to provide extra space