Page 5 - The Illinois Sig - Summer 2012
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Alumni news And notes

             2012 – 2013 Fighting Illini Football Schedule             Alumni News Corner

             9-01 vs. Western Michigan           Time TBA               J. D. Andrews ’55 - I am about retired--I
             9-08 at Arizona State Tempe, Ariz.     Time TBA            am an attorney with Perkins Coie.
             9-15 vs. Charleston Southern        Time TBA
             9-22 vs. Louisiana Tech             7:00 p.m. CT           Charles R. Sturies ’66 - I am still a voluntary AFOT.
                                                                        Infantry Regulation Army 2 CT and now am 8 times
             9-29 vs. Penn State (Foundation Day) *    Time TBA         nationally  published  (veterans  voices).  Nancy,  my
             10-06 at Wisconsin *  Madison, Wis.    2:30 p.m. CT        oldest  sister,  is  guardian  of  my  well-to-do.    I  am  a
             10-13 at Michigan *  Ann Arbor, Mich.    2:30 p.m. CT      100% disabled.
             10-27 vs. Indiana (Homecoming) *     11:00 a.m. CT         Dwight  C.  Selby  ’77    -  CEO  of  Selby  Realty,  a
             11-03 at Ohio State *  Columbus, Ohio    Time TBA          full  service  commercial  real  estate  firm.    Market  is
             11-10 vs. Minnesota (Dad's Day) *     Time TBA             improving.  Had our best year in 4 years.  My two sons
             11-17 vs. Purdue *                  Time TBA               are both University of Florida graduates. My oldest son
             11-24 at Northwestern *  Evanston, Ill.    Time TBA        Brett is a project engineer in Guam.  The younger one,
             12-01 Big Ten Championship Game  Indianapolis, Ind.        Kyle, is a sales rep for Allied Moving and Storage.

             *Conference Event                                                          Charles  Groebe  ’83  -  Active  in
                                                                                        Real  Estate  Family  Brokerage
                                                                                        business  in  Chicagoland  area,
                                                                                        specializing   in   Commercial
                                                                                        Industrial developments.  My two
                                                                                        young sons, Ted – 16 years old, and
                                                                                        Tom – 14 years old, are involved
                                                                                        with  the  Boy  Scouts,  active  in
                                                                                        Rotary Club interact program, and
                                                                                        future  Kappa  Kappa!    We  hope!
                                                                        Marathon for 3rd time this spring.  Looking forward to
                                                                        seeing the chapter house as I run by!

        President, Continued from Page 1     Do  any  of  you  know  any  Kappa  Save  the  date  for  Homecoming  this
        await the spring grades, but the undergrads  Kappa  alums  who  may  qualify  as  a  fall on October 27, 2012!
        feel confident the results will be good.  Constantine Sig or a Significant Sig?
                                                                                  The  game  is  against  Indiana  and  the
        We are looking for qualified alums to              Kappa    Kappa    has   undergrads will host post game festivities
        join the Board!                                    been   blessed   with   at the chapter house.  More details will be
                                                           tremendously  successful   forthcoming, but it should be a great time
        If  any  of  you  have  a  personal  interest  or   alums.  At last count, we   to  renew  acquaintances  and  see  what  is
        know  someone  who  might  be  interested,         have  as  many  or  more   happening at 410 East John.  Maybe even
        please contact me by email at ericwrahn@           Significant  Sigs  as  any   plan  a  mini  reunion  with  some  of  your  In particular, we are looking          other  chapters.   And  we   classmates?  We hope to see you there!
        for  alums  who  can  get  involved  in  are near the top in numbers of Constantine
        finances  (both  undergrad  and  KKC),  Sigs.                             Kappa  Kappa  has  a  rich  and  wonderful
        house  maintenance  ,  long  term  facilities     These  awards  are  granted  based  on   tradition  of  success  –  both  at  the
        planning, and alumni relations.  We have  nominations  and  the  Board  has  recently   undergraduate level and with our alumni.
        been  blessed  with  wonderfully  dedicated  decided to reach out to identify alums who   We  have  been  blessed  with  dedicated
        alumni  volunteers,  but  we  need  to  have  may qualify for one or the other.  If you   volunteers  and  generous  alums.    I  am
        new  involvement  as  some  of  the  current  know of someone who may qualify, please   confident  the  chapter  will  honor  this
        Board  members  have  new  demanding  forward  the  information  to  Jack  Davis,   tradition  with  continued  dedication  and
        commitments.    Active  participation  and  KK  ’56,  by  email  at  jackdavisusmc@  success!
        mentoring  from  the  Board  are  the  best  He is heading a committee to
        ways to assist the undergrads in their quest  handle nominations.
        for continuity and sustainability!                                        Eric Rahn ’75
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