Page 6 - The Illinois Sig - Summer 2012
P. 6
Chapter eternal
We are saddened to learn of the passing of the following Kappa Kappa brothers.
Richard Rink ’38 Carl Allison ’62 Thomas Clark ’63 Dallas Cox ’64
J. Morgan ’43 Jerome Burdick ’63 Joseph Sommer ’63
Robert Palmer ’43 David Swank ’66 Robert Wham ’46
Brother Palmer passed away on Brother Swank passed away Brother Wham passed away on December 21,
September 4, 2011. Thursday, June 16, 2011. 2011.
Bob majored in art and joined As a James Scholar and member Bob was a retired attorney, and former
Sigma Chi as a young student. Six of Sigma Chi Fraternity, David Colorado State Senator. After he graduated
weeks before graduated from the from the University of
graduation, World University of Illinois Illinois law school, Bob and
War II intervened in 1966 with a B.S. his wife Dottie (his high
and Bob joined the in business and school sweetheart) moved
Army. After the war, marketing. to Colorado. There, on the
Bob stayed in London David went on western slope, he joined a law
and attended the Royal Academy to attend law school firm in Montrose, Colorado.
of Art. After a year in London, he at the University of Bob moved to Denver in
returned to Chicago and found a job as Wisconsin-Madison. 1953, when he joined the
an apprentice at a graphic design firm, He was the lead singer and guitarist Attorney General’s staff. He served as Assistant
Sackett and Associates. He ended his in the band Past and Present with U.S. District Attorney 1955-1960, as Deputy City
apprenticeship, joined the firm, and best friends, Dan Heine, Forrest Attorney in Denver 1960-61, and he became City
later started his own company, Palmer Deininger and John Mernits. David Attorney under Mayor Batterton in 1962-63. He
Design. began working at Rockford Business left the City Attorney’s office to go into private
Bob loved to laugh, play piano, College in 1972 with 46 students. practice with Joe Shoemaker in 1964. He was
dance, read, solve crossword puzzles, He and his wife, Susan, purchased elected to the Colorado State Senate in 1976 and
and socialize with friends and family. the school in 1986. David and Susan served one term. He continued to practice law until
He also enjoyed many years of tennis, sold the school and retired in 2003, 2009.
golf, and traveling with his wife Helen, with enrollment at more than 500 Bob loved the mountains. He enjoyed skiing,
and spending time with his children students. sailing, hiking, driving and spending time with his
Nancy and David. Bob and Helen were family at his second home, in Summit County.
married for 61 years.
We try to publish all news that is sent to us, depending on space. Please send alumni updates, obituary notices, and other items to:
Kappa Kappa Alumni Relations Office | P.O. Box 80828 | Atlanta, GA 30366
Church, Continued from Page 2
and of itself is secret, each of us takes an fringe of an exciting renaissance. As a of talents of our members – and we will
obligation to live the lessons of it in our student of the history of our Fraternity – only continue to be among the ranks of
everyday lives and it is through our actions since its early days in 1855 to the present the elite fraternities if we, individually
that we teach others about Sigma Chi. day – I can honestly say that I believe we and collectively, actively choose to make
Words are dust but actions are remembered. are in the midst of a new golden age that it better. Our undergraduates need you
Whenever a Sig attempts to live up to will be looked at with much admiration by more than ever. Sure, your donations
our lofty values, success always follows. the future leaders of our order. Since 2005, are necessary to preserve an exceptional
Our teachings are just as relevant in today’s the Fraternity has significantly increased its living facility and scholarships to offset the
professional workplace – and probably even investment in the leadership development skyrocketing cost of higher education…but
more so – as they are in chapter meetings of our undergraduate members and there Sigma Chi needs YOU even more.
so don’t be afraid to live with integrity or are many indicators that those efforts are No donation can ever replace the
act with courageous ambition. The longer beginning to bear fruit. We are experiencing advice, mentorship and counsel that a more
you stay involved with the Fraternity, the a membership explosion in the growth experienced brother with a kindred soul
more you’ll understand all of that. of our undergraduate chapters and new can give to a young man. If we want our
members that is rivaled by only one other young members to carry the mantle in the
What message would you like to convey era. We are controlling costs and raising future, all you need to do is step to the plate
to our alumni about the future of Sigma alternative forms of revenue so that our and take a swing – trust me, today’s young
Chi? financial position gets stronger every year. men are thirsty for it and will be forever
The Fraternity’s most important asset grateful.
I truly believe that Sigma Chi is on the is our human capital – the vast collection
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