Page 4 - The Illinois Sig - Summer 2012
P. 4

Chapter News aNd Notes

                Chapter Spotlight: Basil Sabbak ’13

                                             Do you have any knowledge that you plan
                       Editor’s  Note:    Basil  is   on passing down?
                       Pre-Law   and   current
                       Ritual Chair.  He is from   To  the  younger  pledge  classes,  though  this
                       Barrington, IL and enjoys   is  a  social  organization,  it  can  also  be  an
                       longboarding and current   academic  one  too.      Make  sure  you  know   Longboarding on the open road.
                       politics.  Read more about   who is in the same degree program & classes.
                       Basil below!          Never be afraid to ask an older brother for  I have been a member of the Pre-Law Club
                                             help.  Recently I was writing a cover letter  for  a  year,  as  well  as  a  part  of  Amnesty
        What has your experience been like so far  and  was  a  little  bewildered  about  how  I  International,  and  the  Longboarding  Club.
        with KK?                             should word something.  I ended up calling  Amnesty  International  has  been  an  interest
                                             my Counsel from when I was a pledge, who  of mine since high school.   The club helps
        Kappa Kappa of Sigma Chi has been a great  had the same major as I,  and he was able to  me take an active stance politically.  Though
        experience  for  me.    It’s  amazing  to  have  walk me through what businesses are looking  I do not agree with all the things Amnesty
        a  supportive  group  of  guys  around  you.   for and what he has done and seen.  My most  does,  being  against  the  death  penalty,  and
        Through my experiences with Kappa Kappa,  important thing to say is to try everything.   advocating political freedom is something I
        I have met many different types of people, and  You’ll never know what you’ll like.  strongly agree with.
        expanded  my  interests  tremendously;  from
        rock climbing to writing computer coding -  As a pre-law student, what are you doing to  Do you have support from the alumni and
        there is always someone knowledgeable and  prepare?                       are any of them acting as mentors?
        willing to help you learn.
                                             As of right now, I am taking speed reading  It’s incredible how much the chapter stays in
        As Ritual Chair for the 1550 pledge class,  classes  as  well  as  LSAT  classes  to  help  touch after graduation.  With my position of
        how is this position important to you?   prepare for the LSAT.  I am also working on  Ritual Chair, I was personally congratulated
                                             logic puzzles for the test.  I am consulting  by David Hernandez ’11, a former spotlight,
        As a 1350, I am very proud to be able to see  with family and friends who are lawyers to  and a 3X Ritual Chair. We discussed in depth
        the 50’s pledge class growing, and am excited  help  understand  what  to  expect  out  of  law  what I will be expected to do.  I also have
        to call them my brothers.  I am grateful that  school and the job itself.   I am also taking all  stayed  in  contact  with  Matthew  Eastman
        my brothers chose me for this position, and I  the upper level political science classes that  ’11, another former spotlight, who has helped
        would never want to do anything that would  are  law  related  such  as  U.S.  Constitutional  me with my political science major, and my
        ruin the ritual for the 1550’s or for the active  Law I and II and Law and Representation.   ambitions of law school.  On top of that I
        chapter.   Their experience is very important                             have kept in touch with Dewy Sullivan ’11,
        to me. I hope to remind the brothers of the  What  do  you  do  to  stay  active  outside  of  who  after  my  recent  shoulder  surgery,  has
        Sigma Chi pride.                     school?                              been able to help me with my rehab.

                                  Chapter Leadership Set for Fall 2012

            hough the spring semester of the 2011-2012 academic school      Rush: Jimmy Martin ’13,  Pat Callan ’14
        Tyear  comes  to  an  end,  one  can  count  on  the  Kappa  Kappa       Mack McInerney ’14, Corbin Newquist ’15
        Chapter of Sigma Chi to be as busy and productive as any other       Harry Meyer ’15
        time during the year. As one would imagine, the general activities      Scholarship: Kris Freidlein ’14, Holden Orler ’14
        and functions of the house do not come commence by themselves;      Risk Manager: Holden Orler ’14
        there are quite a few young men here within Sigma Chi who take on   ●   Social Sean Coyle ’14, Tommy Filkin ’14
        many roles within the house that keep our spirits young and vibrant.   ●   Historian: Darren Fill ’15
            As a whole, the entire chapter voted upon the gentlemen of   ●   Tribune: Jason Mistretta ’15
        our Fraternity and found that of the many other brothers who vied   ●   Philanthropy: Shane Anderson ’14.5,  Vince Carballo ’15
        for the same positions, these are individuals whom we all put our   ●   Derby Days: Sean Coyle ’14, Steve Hollon ’14,
        undivided confidence in:                                      Joe Nocco ’15, Jason Mistretta ’15
                                                                  ●   Homecoming: Grant Pufahl ’15, Austin Hunt ’15
               Consul: Jack Etchingham ’14                       ●   Dad’s Day: James Orescanin ’15, Grant Pufahl ’15
               Pro Consul: Mike Bellah ’14                       ●   Football Block: Andy Munger ’15,  Aaron Castagna ’15
               Quaestor: Kevin Dailey ’14                        ●   Brother at Large: Joe Perozzi ’14
               House Manager: Andrew Scott ’14                   ●   IGI Chair: Eric Garavaglia ’15
               Magister: Bob Merlo ’14                           ●   Computer: Tim Veldman ’13
               Annotator: Billy Renwick ’14                      ●   House Improvement: Adam Kruse ’14
               Steward: Michael Styzek ’12                       ●   Intramural: Austin Hunt ’15
               Ritual: Mike Enders ’13,  Basil Sabbak ’13.5           Execuive Officer
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