Page 2 - The Illinois Sig - Summer 2012
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remarkable  collection  of  people  that  Sigma  way that gets done is to blaze a trail where one
                                            Chi has among its ranks into my life.    does not already exist. As Sigma Chi continues
                                                I owe much of who and what I am to the  to  grow  and  expand  (32%  undergraduate
                                            vast collection of people who have all made –  membership  growth  over  the  last  8  years),
                                            and continue to make – a difference in my life.  we have to continue to find new ways to stay
                                            It is because of all of that and more that the old  competitive  in  the  fraternity  world  while
                                            adage of “the more you put in, the more you  simultaneously being efficient about the way
                                            get out” continues to ring true for me.  that  we  engage  our  vast  alumni  network  to
                                                                                   provide a better level of member satisfaction.
                                            Additionally,  my  single  greatest  passion  is
                                            the complete and total eradication of hazing  What do you do for fun?
                                            in  any  form  whatsoever  from  the  Fraternity
                                            experience.  In  my  seven  years  on  our  Most  of  my  free  time  is  spent  running  or
      Michael  with  his  brothers  and  father  before  his
      oldest brothers wedding.              Headquarters  staff,  I  have  seen  the  drastic  enjoying  time  with  family  and  friends.
                                            detrimental  effect  that  hazing  in  any  form  Chicago is a world-class city with few rivals
     their path in life yet is to ask yourself what  can  have  on  an  individual’s  psychological,  in terms of the collective culture and vibrant
     gives you the most joy and then turn that into  emotional,  mental  and  even  physical  community  life  and  I  love  to  experience  all
     a career.                              development  more  times  than  I  would  ever  that  it  has  to  offer.  I’m  looking  forward  to
                                            care to count.                         becoming an uncle twice this year with both
     How did you find out about the opportunity     Knowing that the term “pledging” quite  of  my  brothers  (sadly,  not  Sigs)  becoming
     to work for Sigma Chi?                 literally comes from the act of a person making  fathers in August and October, respectively. I
                                            a pledge to live up to a set of values also helps  can’t wait to spoil them rotten and then pass
     Briefly after college I had an outside sales job.  me understand that the antiquated mentality of  them back to their parents to deal with as a
     After  being  employed  for  about  a  month,  I  making pledges “earn it” is starkly divergent  small measure of payback for the pains they
     was on my door-to-door route one day when I  from the intent of the Fraternity experience. I  forced on me as the middle child.
     got cursed out by the owner of a local business  can unequivocally state that it leads directly to
     for even attempting to bring him on as a client.  a fast and absolute departure from the chapter’s  How  did  your  last  marathon  turn  out  and
     That was enough for me to make the decision  ability  to  understand  the  value  system  that  how do you train for them?
     that  I  had  no  interest  in  pursuing  a  career  fraternities are rooted in. It is my drive and my
     where that would happen as a side-effect of  mission to create a better Fraternity experience  I spent the better part of 2011 logging over 700
     my job. I got in my car, called my boss and  for all future Sigma Chis to enjoy – one that  miles in preparation for the Chicago marathon
     told him that I was done. When I got home,  our Founders would be proud of.   in October 2011. Though I barely missed my
     The  Magazine  of  Sigma  Chi  was  waiting                                   goal of finishing in under 4-hours, my efforts in
     for me on the counter. I flipped it open and  How  does  each  new  school  semester  affect  running have changed my outlook on life and
     there was a full-page advertisement from the  the office and your position?   have provided me with a stress release outlet
     Headquarters looking for recent graduates to                                  as  well  as  a  fun  and  engaging  recreational
     fill some openings.                    Working  at  an  organization  like  Sigma  Chi  hobby.
                                            Headquarters can best be described as operating     I   am
     What is it about working for Headquarters  inside  some  level  of  organized  chaos.  The  planning  a  few
     that keeps you involved?               beginning and ending of each school semester  half-marathons
                                            usually creates the most amount of that - as our  with  the  intent
     I could, and probably should someday, write  primary focus as a staff is to service the various  to  most  likely
     a  novel  about  this  question.  I  came  to  our  needs of our membership and that variety is  run  another  full
     Headquarters staff not really knowing what I  most  pronounced  during  those  times.  With  marathon   or
     wanted to do with my life, mostly aimlessly  over 230,000 living alumni and some 16,000  two  in  2013.
     wandering  through  life                                undergraduates  at  any  On  a  beautiful
     hoping  to  find  some     It is altogether impossible   given time, the types of  summer   day,
     “ah-ha!”  moment  that                                  inquiries  and  requests  there’s no place
     provided  the  clarity  I   for  me  to  express  the   we can get on any given  I’d  rather  be
     needed to set the course                                day  are  impossible  to  than   logging
     for the rest of my life.   impossibility   of   fully   prepare for.          10+  miles  with
        What    I   found                                        The     beginning  my  iPod  and
     through being a member   paying back the debt that      and  end  of  each  school  running shoes.  Post Chicago Marathon.
     of  the  Headquarters   I owe to Sigma Chi.             semester only exacerbate
     staff is a true experience                              that  sense  of  organized  For  your  active  brothers,  what  advice  will
     of  brotherhood  on  a                      ”           chaos  but  it’s  also  the  you  share  about  the  benefits  of  fraternity
     global scale by establishing close and lasting  times when the Headquarters office is the most  involvement in the work place?
     relationships  with  many  of  the  Fraternity’s  energized and electric.
     most  prominent  volunteers  and  present  and     My  role  as  Operations  Manager  at  our  The  teachings  of  Sigma  Chi  should  not  be
     past  staff  members.  Grand  Consuls,  Grand  Headquarters  is  to  set  an  example  for  the  constrained within a black book or buried and
     Praetors, Chapter Advisors, bosses & mentors,  expectations that I have of the rest of our staff.  only discussed in secret. While our Ritual in
     co-workers & employees - I make it a point  If the mantra of a not-for-profit organization
     to  incorporate  something  from  each  of  the  is to “do more with less”, sometimes the only   Church, Continued on Page 6
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