Page 1 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2010
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The IllInoIs sIg

                                         Sigma Chi Fraternity  |  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  |  Spring 2010
                                     Alumni Relations Office  |  P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366  |

                                                            Presidents Report
         In This Issue:
                                by Eric W. Rahn ‘75
       From the Presdient.....1
       Alumni News.............2    s I have previously reported, we are faced with  We required significant improvements in the financial
       50 year Reuion...........3  Athree challenges:  first and foremost, to continue  operations, in the rush and pledge program and in the
                                to nurture and challenge the undergraduate chapter to  commitment to scholarship!
       Chapter News.............4  succeed; second, to improve the communications with   The  house  opened,  over  40  pledges  were
       Charity News..............5  our alumni and provide more opportunities for them  recruited in a highly organized rush program, and the
       Golf for Hope.............6  to be involved and get back on campus; and third, to  finances  were  greatly  improved.    The  commitment
       Directors                plan for the future.  Despite some setbacks in 2008-  to scholarship, both for the pledges and actives, was
              and Officers........7  2009 school year, we continue to make progress on all  emphasized. We now have the fall grades, and for the
       Leave a Legacy..........7  three of these challenges, but have                       first  time  in  recent  memory,  the
                                much work ahead of us.                                      pledge  class  GPA  was  over  a  B
                                  The    2008-2009    school   At Kappa Kappa, we have      average at 3.03!  The overall house
                                year  for  the  chapter  was  less   a  rich  and  wonderful   GPA  was  3.14  ranking  Kappa
                                than  stellar.  With  a  significant   tradition of success – both   Kappa 12th out of 48 fraternities
                                financial  operating  loss  for  the                        on campus.  At a meeting with the
                                year,  a  shrinking  number  of   at the undergraduate level   32 pledges still in the program in
                                undergraduate  brothers  living  in   and with our alumni.   early  December,  we  came  away
                                the  house,  and  a  declining  grade                       convinced  that  the  quality  of  the
                                point  average  (GPA),  there  was                          young  men  is  high  and  this  will
                                much  room  for  improvement.  I  suspect  a  number  help  the  leadership  and  occupancy  in  the  coming
                                of  alums  probably  heard  a  number  of  rumors.   As  years. A successful rush program is the lifeblood of
                                a result, the Kappa Kappa Corporation Board put a  the fraternity.
                                significant challenge to the undergrads and outlined   The  undergraduate  officers  have  dedicated
                                conditions that had to be met in order for the chapter  themselves to making Kappa Kappa chapter the best it
                                house to open this past fall.  The requirements were  can be.  They accepted the challenges put to them, and
                                outlined in a letter to all undergrads and their parents.   clearly have momentum in their favor.  Our challenge

                                                                                                     see PRESIDENT, on page 2

           The Class of 1959 Celebrates 50 Years

     Left to Right, ‘59 classmates Mike Walters, Gene Carr, Don Tjarksen and Dick Fletemeyer 54 years after appearing in the Daily Illini for winning the freshmen pajama races.
     Upperclassman Tom Luker ‘57 set up qualifying heats for the freshman pledges of Kappa Kappa to determine the Sigma Chi pajama race team.  Teams from each street on campus
     would race off, then the winners of each street raced until there was a final winner.  Sigma Chi won it all in ‘55!
                                                                                                              More on page 5
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