Page 5 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2010
P. 5

Kappa Kappa Alums Celebrate 50th Reunion

     by Dick Fletemeyer ‘59 and Dave Lierman ‘59
        he  hair  might  be  a  little  thinner  and  milling. Sometime around eleven to midnight
     Tgreyer, but the bonds of brotherhood for  we all piled back on the bus and returned to
     the Class of 1959 was still the same as it was  the motel.
     50 years ago. This truly eventful weekend was   On Saturday, it was all about the Fighting
     made special by the large turn out of Class  Illini  and  Homecoming!  We  gathered  at
     of ‘59, as well as the memories the brothers  Memorial  Stadium  to  watch  the  Michigan
     were able to share about their time at the 410  State vs. Illini Homecoming game. After the
     E. John house. Alums and actives were able  game,  all  the  class  of  59ers  at  the  reunion
     to come and enjoy the weekend with events,  ventured back to the Sig House for a gathering
     activities, and fun at the house.      with the brothers for an update on the house
                                            activities.  Then  we  met  with  several  of  the   Group socializes at Dave Lierman’s house.
                                            active  underclassmen  in  the  great  room  to
                                            show  a  video  presentation  of  the  activities,   several Varsity I atheletes, four doctors--one
                                            followed by a question and answer session for   a  Significant  Sig  Derald  Brackmann  ‘59--
                                            the Alumni.                           as well as a wide cross section of professions
                                                                                  including several industrialist entrepreneurs.
                                               We  the  class  of  1959  have  always   The  pledges  then  had  the  chance  to  mingle
                                               had large numbers of our brothers   with the alumni and converse on a one-on-one
                                               return  for  each  reunion.  We  have   basis.  After all this, all of the Kappa Kappas
                                               a  truly  UNIQUE  bond  that  has   went outside for pictures both as a class and
                                                                                  then with our spouses.
     Class of 1959.                            continued  for  50  years.  When  we   Then it was back to the hotel to freshen
        With  28  brothers  and  wives  arriving  in   meet,  it’s  like  taking  up  where  we   up  and  get  ready  for  dinner  at  Kennedy's
     Champaign on Friday, October 9th, the group   began as pledges at 410 E. John.    restaurant  at  Stone  Creek  in  Urbana.  More
     blocked a section of the La Quinta Motel in                                  cocktails, dinner and revelry ensued including
     Champaign  so  the  group  would  be  able  to           -Mike Walters ‘59   the  awarding  of  the  much  coveted  Helmut
     stay  central.  But  we  didn’t  stay  long,  since                          Award.  Unfortunately,  there  was  a  decision
     the bus was there at 6:00 to whisk everyone   After  this  event,  all  the  pledges  were   made  to  retire  the  Helmut  Award  this  year
     off to Brother Dave Lierman ‘59 and wife  called  in  to  hear  the  history  of  the  class  of   under  the  vigilance  and  custody  of  brother
     Pam's residence for the traditional reuniting  1959.  Sitting  on  the  couches  and  chairs,   Gene  Carr  ‘59  until  we  decide  the  future
     get-together party. Hailed as the most popular  in  a  semi  circle  around  the  room,  one  by   of  this  magnificent  event.  At  about  10:30
     event of the two day reunion, the evening was  one  each  of  the  Class  of  ‘59  stood  up  and   everyone piled aboard the bus to return to the
     spent socializing and catching up with each  stated  what  Sigma  Chi  meant  to  us  and   motel.
     other since the last reunion five years ago. The  what  accomplishments  we  recorded  both
     party  consisted  of  an  open  bar  and  cocktail  on  campus  and  subsequently  with  our  lives
     buffet  encouraging  lots  of  munching  and  after graduation. The Class of ‘59 consists of

                 50th Reunion Impacts Actives

        by Alex Brohammer ‘12
           he class of 1959 reunited at the old house on 410 East John Street this year to
        Tcelebrate their 50th reunion. The pledge class had a great turnout and presentations
        by  house  leaders  were  interesting  and  enlightening  for  the  alumni  to  hear.  It  was   50 years later and still going strong.
        definitely a treat to be able to talk with the alumni and get to know how the house
        functioned when they were in our shoes. It seems like some traditions and aspects of   It was a weekend full of fun, friends, and
        pledging have deviated from what they used to be, but we definitely got the sense that   memories.  A very special ‘Thank You’ goes to
        the class of 1959 was eerily similar to our own pledge classes.           all of the event organizers; Dick Fletemeyer
            While there have been many changes, the spirit of Sigma Chi that brought all of us   ‘59, Dave Lierman ‘59, and Mike Walters
        together and has made all of us brothers has not changed a bit. The 2013 pledge class   ‘59, the brothers of  Class of 1959 that made
        greatly benefited from seeing this spirit and brotherhood. As a freshman in college, it is   the trip back to 401 E. John and to all those
        easy to get caught up in the notion that one should join a fraternity for the parties and the   that help share the spirit of Sigma Chi. Sadly
        girls; the class of '59 really helped show the pledges, and remind all of the actives, why   missed  at  this  50th  Reunion  were  Brothers
        we are here at Sigma Chi. The thought that our pledge brothers will be the groomsmen   Tom Olsen ‘59, Stu Hall ‘59, Tom Jordan
        in our weddings and carry our caskets at our funerals is enough to send chills down   ‘59  and  Dick  Jenks  ‘59  who  have  entered
        one’s spine. The class of '59 truly showed that Kappa Kappa exemplifies that kind of   the Chapter Eternal.  This tradition of coming
        brotherhood and it is remarkable to see how close they all still were after being apart   back to Kappa Kappa has been going on for
        for so long. A special thanks goes out to Dick Fletemeyer ‘59 and Homecoming Chair   years…and hopefully will continue for years
        Larry Newquist ‘59 for all their efforts in organizing the event.         to come.                             5
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