Page 2 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2010
P. 2

AlumnI news                                                              Chapter Eternal

           Leadership Award to Honor                                   Donald E. Prichard ‘53
                                                                       Kappa Kappa brother Donald E. Prichard passed away
                Mark V. Anderson ‘77                                   May 20, 2009.  Donald was the brother of Kappa Kappa
                                                                       Sigs Merril “Boz” Prichard ‘48 and Harold Prichard
                                                                       ‘50.  Donald’s son Lee ‘79 and nephew David ‘75 are also

                          “In 2005, Sigma Chi established the Character-  Kappa Kappa Sigs.  Another son Gary (Illinois Wesleyan
                          in-Action  Award  to  honor  brothers  whose   ‘83) and two more nephews are also Sigma Chi brothers.
                          leadership actions are of a selfless nature, going   In Champaign, Donald was a versatile intramural athlete
                          beyond  what  is  expected  while  overcoming   and business major.  Widely known as “Gimp,” he served
                          obstacles and leading with responsibility,” said   as  house  Treasurer  and  was  the  most  amiable  of  the
                          Sigma Chi Grand Counsul Keith Krach.  “Quite   Prichard brothers.  Following graduation he served in the
                          frankly, that is precisely how Mark Anderson has   United States Army as a Second Lieutenant receiving the
                          led our organization and Headquarters staff for   National Defense Service Medal.  He worked as a Credit
                          the past 17 years.” The award will now be named   and Pension Manager at Belden Wire and Cable and was
                          the  Mark  V.  Anderson  Character-in-Action   active in youth sports in Glen Ellyn.  Donald was a Life-
                          Award  to  honor  the  immediate  past  president   Loyal Sigma Chi.
                          of  the  Sigma  Chi  Corporation  and  Executive   Mike Williams ‘63
      Secretary of the Fraternity. The award also comes with a $1,000 check               Michael   Thomas   Williams
      to assist the winning Sigma Chi in his worthy cause. Anderson recently              passed away at his Lake Delavan
      stepped down from his leadership posts at the fraternity to spend time with         home  on  Thursday,  May  28,
      his wife and children.
                                                                                          2009  after  a  difficult  battle
                                                                                          against esophageal cancer.
                                                                                              Mike   pledged   at   the
      PRESIDENT, from page 1                                                              University  of  Michigan  chapter
      is to provide the support they both deserve and need. To this end, our              but  spent  two  and  a  half  years
      younger alumni board members have become more involved and will be                  at  the  Kappa  Kappa  chapter
      the key to our future success. The undergraduate brothers now live in the           as  an  undergraduate.  He  was
      house for only two years – sophomore and junior year. This is a campus-             a  consistent  donor  to  both  the
      wide phenomenon, and provides a challenge for the succession of brothers   Kappa Kappa and Theta Theta chapters and served on the
      through the ranks of leadership. The major offices are held by first and   board of directors of the Kappa Kappa house corporation
      second-semester juniors. With the seniors living out of the house, it is   for several years. Mike’s son Don ‘88 was also a Kappa
      difficult to obtain their leadership. Thus, the need for more active alumni   Kappa Sig and Mike was close to many of the pledge
      involvement is present.                                          brothers in the class of ’88.
          At Kappa Kappa, we have a rich and wonderful tradition of success –   Mike always had a fun story to tell and was the life
      both at the undergraduate level and with our alumni. We have been blessed   of the party.  His college nickname “Tony Cerone” stayed
      with dedicated volunteers and generous alums. Despite recent challenges,   with him for his entire adult life.  His annual golf outings,
      I  am  confident  the  chapter  will  honor  this  tradition  with  continued   Illinois  Parks  Conference  gatherings  and  Cosley  Park
      dedication and success!                                          Barn  fundraisers  were  wonderful  celebrations.    Mike
                                                                       served as a mentor and father figure to several architects,
      In Hoc,                                                          builders,  friends  and  relatives.  He  was  giving  of  his
                                                                       time  and  a  leader  in  several  community  organizations
                                                                       including  the  Cosley  Park  Zoo  Foundation,  Wheaton
                                                                       Lions  Club,  Diecke  Center  for  Visual  Rehabilitation,
      Eric W. Rahn ‘75                                                 Wheaton Planning Commission, and the Western DuPage
      President Kappa Kappa Corporation of Sigma Chi                   Special Recreation Association which named him to their
                                                                       Hall of Fame in 2009.
                                                                           Michael  created  the  architectural  firm  Williams
                     Illinois Sig Looking for                          Architects  which  was  soon  followed  by  a  construction
                      a New Alumni Editor                              management  firm.  Notable  Chicago  area  buildings
                                                                       designed by the firm include the Lisle Village Hall and
                                                                       Police  Station,  the  Barrington  Village  Hall  and  Public
        Do you have some fun stories to tell?  Did you pass your Rhetoric   Safety Building, the Rice Community Center and Pool in
        class?  Then get your act together and sign up to be the new Alumni   Wheaton, the Bartlett Community Center, the Glenview
        Editor  of  the  Illinois  Sig.   Your  fraternity  needs  you.   Take  some   Park  Center,  an  addition  to  Gary  Memorial  United
        personal responsibility.  Don’t stand by and wait for George to do it,   Methodist Church in Wheaton, and the 185,000-square-
        because it’s your turn to help.  Contact Don Williams ‘88 at donw88@  foot Centre of Elgin, which has been featured on an Art to ask about how easy the job of Editor is.        Institute of Chicago tour.
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