Page 6 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2010
P. 6

KAPPA KAPPA CORP OF SIGMA CHI             Golf, from page 4
                 January 1, 2010                sponsorship  and  donation  acquisitions,  golfer
                                                recruitment, and advertising via radio and social
       Jack Davis ‘54        2008-2010          networking  sites.  I  put  many  hours  into  the
       Eric Rahn ‘75         2008-2010          planning of the event, and with the hard work of
       Steve Sarovich ‘75      2008-2010        other  volunteers  and  coordinators  at  the  clinic,
       Peter Steger ‘79      2008-2010          the event was a success and raised over $10,000.
       Rob Dauphinais ‘98      2008-2010        However,  more  importantly,  the  event  has  set
       David Fewkes ‘79      2008-2010          precedence for the future, and hopefully will be
       Alex Padgett ‘98      2007-2009          an annual event that I will come back to play in
       Ryan Griffin ‘05      2007-2009          each year.”
       Paul Bateman ‘03      2007-2009              If you would like more information on these
       James Hall ‘76        2007-2009          events you can contact Robert Gehm, bgehm5@
       Matt Miazga ‘03       2007-2009 and Matt Briskin ‘09, briskin@gmail.
       Mark Anderson ‘77      2007-2009         com.
       Wayne Vonder Heide ‘07   Appointed 11/09
       Michael Jacobson ‘07      Appointed 11/09

    OFFICERS:                                                         Chapter Officers
       President:            Eric Rahn ‘75
       Treasurer:            Matthew Miazga ‘03
       Secretary:            Alex Padgett ‘98           efore the end of the semester, the Chapter conducted elections for new house
       Vice President:       Jack Davis ‘54         Bpositions. It was great to see the will of so many brothers to contribute their
       Vice President:       Steve Sarovich ‘74     talent, effort, and time to the Kappa Kappa chapter. Following is a partial list of
                                                    the new officers and their respective positions:
       Advisor:              Don Williams ‘88
                                                           Consul                Matthew Eastman ‘11
                                                           Pro-Consul            Michael Kniery ‘11
           Eric Rahn ‘75                                   House Manager           Anthony Munari ‘12
           Jack Davis ‘54                                  Magister              Patrick Ziegenfuss ‘12
           Steve Sarovich ‘75                              Quaester              Kevin Pinkos ‘12
           Peter Steger ‘79                                Risk Manager            George Udumula ‘12
    PROPERTY MANAGEMENT                                    Social Chairs            Joseph Welsch ‘11, Todd Bendell ‘12
    & OPERATIONS                                           Annotater             Matthew Murray ‘12
           Paul Bateman ‘03 - Chairman
           Mark Bateman ‘05                                Scholarship           John Wonais ‘12, David Hernandez ‘11
           Eric Rahn ‘75                                   Ritual                David Hernandez ‘11, Kris Drake ‘11,
           Steve Sarovich ‘75                                                    George Udumula ‘12
    FINANCE                                                Historian             Alex Brohammer ‘12
           Matt Miazga ‘03 - Chairman                      Rush                  Taylor Robinson ‘12, Todd Bendell ‘12,
           James Hall ‘76                                                        Andrew Cochrane ‘12, Matthew Murphy ‘12
           Alex Padgett ‘98
           Eric Rahn ‘75
           Peter Steger ‘79 – Chairman
           Ryan Griffin ‘05                                       LEAVE A LEGACY!
           Mark Anderson ‘77
           Ryan Griffin ‘05 – Chairman              Consider a lasting gift that will support Sigma Chi long after you are gone. By
           Paul Bateman ‘03                         including the Kappa Kappa Foundation in your estate plans you ensure the long-
           Matt Miazga ‘03                          term health and success of our fraternity.
    RELATIONS                                       For  more  information  how  you  can  make  a  contribution  to  Kappa  Kappa
           Rob Dauphinais ‘98 – Chairman            Foundation of Sigma Chi, contact Steve Sarovich ‘74, Director of the Kappa
           Matt Miazga ‘03                          Kappa Foundation at 630-824-4200.
           Steve Sarovich ‘75 – Chairman            **This information is not presented as legal or tax advice. Always consult your
           Mark Anderson ‘77                        advisors for questions you may have.***

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