Page 3 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2010
P. 3

Kappa Kappa Chapter Proud to Announce New Brothers

     by Alex Brohammer ‘12
        ince the last printing of the Illinois Sig, many great occasions have been held at the beloved house on 410 East John Street, but none greater
     Sthan Initiation Week. Thanks to the tireless work of Kody Karhliker ‘10 and Fadi Bahkos ‘11, along with the guidance of Grand Praetor
     Val Simhauser ‘76, we overcame a few obstacles and produced a flawless and memorable experience for everyone involved. Since Initiation
     Week is the one experience that truly unites all Sigma Chis throughout the world even though it is such unique individual time for introspection. I
     asked the current Ritual Chairs to add their personal thoughts on the importance of the week and the things that they learned from the experience:

     David Hernandez ‘11; 2x Ritual Chair
     “Initiation forever changed my life by allowing me to re-evaluate my path, and create a direction for my future with my brothers at my side.
     Every brother feels this and is thoroughly reminded every semester. Not only are the candidates influenced by the experience, but the active
     brothers get a fraternal high from the week, bringing many emotions and memories from each of their initiations. It has left a lasting impact on
     our brothers, and continues to change boys into exceptional young men -- Sigma Chis.”

     George Udumula ‘12
     “I-week gave me time to really reflect on my life. I believe I really grew as a person and I'm really looking forward to helping the class of 2013
     through the week. In my opinion I-week is a time to really get to know yourself and feel confident in what you’re doing. This week was one of
     the best weeks of my life.”

     Kris Drake ‘11
     “Initiation Week was singlehandedly the most eye opening and influential week of my life. The time for self-reflection that I-Week provides
     allowed me to make great strides as a man and make some important decisions in my life. I feel truly blessed to be given the opportunity to
     participate in such a life-changing event and hope that through our chapter’s efforts, we allow new brothers to have the same experience.”

     Class of 2012:

     Vincent Anthony Tortorici, John Constantine Wonais, Michael Angelo Ornelas, Taylor Scott Robinson, Matthew Patrick Murray

      The 2013 Pledge Class Initiates                                      Letter from Consul

         nother pledge class has become Sigma Chis since the last Illinois   o far the start of the second semester has brought many great
     ASig was published. The 2013 pledge class is a great addition to  Sthings to the Kappa Kappa Chapter.  On February 6th the chapter
     the house and the pledge class is one of the biggest we've had in a long   was able to put on a truly amazing Initiation and we welcomed 27
     time. I have no doubt that they will be the successful future leaders of   new brothers into the Fraternity. We also were able to have 10 new
     this house.                                                men accept bids to pledge in the spring. It is with great pleasure
                                                                to  also  say  that  after  implementing  a  new  Scholarship  program
                                                                last fall the Kappa Kappa chapter was able to get back into the top
        Thomas Nelson Phelps        Michael William Enders      25% in the Inter-fraternity Council chapter G.P.A. rankings, which
           brother of Kappa Kappa Sig               Matthew Howard Geissler  includes over 47 different chapters. The Kappa Kappa chapter looks
           Samuel Phelps ‘10        Michael Jefferey Matook     to improve upon our accomplishments in the fall and look forward to
                                                                the rest of the spring semester.
        Garrett William Erb         Thomas Howard Munger
           son of Kappa Kappa Sig   Cameron Scott Nekoroski     Matt Eastman ‘11
           Gary Erb ‘79             Johnny Frederick Oliveri    Kappa Kappa Consul
        Robert Carl Christenson     Christopher Gerard Prchal
           son of Iowa State Sig    Steven Michael Richards
           Bill Christenson         Tylar Scott Richards
        Christopher Warren Adams    Michael Richard Rozum
        Adrian Adolfo Alejos        Joshua Tyler Sergent
        William James Arquilla      Bradley David Stock
        Kyle Matthew Blouin         Timothy Wayne Veldman
        Jonathon Anthony Coraglio   Robert Phelps Vickerman
        Scott Michael Cruwys        Branden Scott Villareal
        Mark Patrick Daugherty      Matthew Joseph Weglarz
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