Page 4 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2010
P. 4

Sigs Key To Success of Campus Charities

       by Alex Brohammer ‘12
            hile the chapter is extremely proud of our efforts to raise money
       Wfor  Children’s  Miracle Network  through Derby  Days,  many
       brothers have chosen to volunteer their time, talents, and effort to
       help raise more money for the charity Dance Marathon.  Our brothers
       have taken time to in the success of two on campus charities, Dance
       Marathon and Golf for Help.
          Dance Marathon, (DM), is the largest student-run philanthropy
       in the world.  Students representing their colleges from across the
       U.S.  work  together  with  the  purpose  of  raising  money  to  combat
       children’s  cancer.    The  event  originated  at  Penn  State  University
       in 1973.  For 8–48 hours (depending on the event), the “dancers”
       stand on their feet to show support for the families and children of
       the event’s charity and to generate awareness about the cause.  The
       philanthropy  however  is  truly  a  year-round  activity,  consisting  of
       various  fundraising  activities  and  general  campus  awareness.   As
       originator, Penn State is considered the DM leader and role model;
       in  their  2009  event,  they  raised  over  $7  million  with  over  15,000
       participants.                                             From Left to Right:  Kneeling: Bobby Gehm, Finance Committee; Mike Hagstrom,
                                                                 Dancer  Relations;  Standing:  Greg  Lamorema,  Dancer  Relations;  Brian  Mallen,
          The 3rd Annual Illini Dance Marathon was held on February 19-  Marketing  Committee,  Mike  Kniery,  Marketing  Committee;  Anthony  Munari,
       20, 2010 at the ARC, in the heart of the Illinois campus.  For more   Marketing Committee; Paul Aquino, Finance Committee
       information about the event, visit

                    Dance Marathon

           obert  Gehm,  sophomore,  has  been  in  charge  of  the  finance  to see DM evolve and grow larger every year.   Robert adds, “With
       Rcommittee for DM.  DM on the U of I campus was introduced in  more and more of our brothers getting involved with the charity, it
       2008, where they raised about $5,000.  This year’s goal was to raise  will become a traditional brotherhood activity.”
       $20,000.  With the growing exposure and participation, they hope to   Several Kappa Kappa’s are involved in DM; Fadi Bahkos ‘11
       become a significant contributor in the combat of children’s cancer  is  the  Marketing  Chairman  of  the  event.  Anthony  Munari  ‘12,
           Last year Robert was involved as a dancer / participant in the DM  Gregory  Lamorena  ‘12,  and  Brian  Mallen  ‘12  are  also  on  the
       event. This year he took on more responsibility, being in charge of  marketing committee.
       the Finance Committee.  The financial committee’s duties consist of
       handling and securing all money raised from year-round fundraising       Golf for Hope
       activities,  recording  all  money  raised,  and  updating  executive
       members of on fundraising totals.  Robert has also been spreading   nother  brother,
       awareness amongst the Sigma Chi brothers, “I am happy to say that  AMatt   Briskin
       nearly 50 brothers will be participating in DM this February.”  ‘09  who  is  working
                                                 Recent  graduate  on   his   Master’s
                                             Andrew    Sullivan  Degree is also taking
                                             ‘09  was  the  overall  the  time  to  develop
                                             President  of  the  U  a  charity  of  his  own
                                             of I DM last year, so  called   “Golf   for
                                             he helped encourage  Hope”.    Matt  took                 Yacht Party, 1984.
                                             many  brothers  get  the  time  to  explain
                                             involved in DM last  the   philanthropic
                                             year.  His  efforts  in  efforts  of  Golf  for  Matt Briskin ‘09 poses with golfers at ‘Golf for Hope’.
                                             getting  the  event  Hope.  Golf for Hope
                                             established   and  is a charity golf fundraiser that he helped plan.  The event took place
       laying the groundwork to help make the event a success cannot be  on September 27th at Urbana Country Club with all proceeds directly
       overlooked.  Andrew used his connection to the Greek nation to help  benefited Hope Community Health Center of Champaign.   Matt has
       get fraternities and sororities involved in the event.  Students are now  a close connection to the center, volunteering at Hope Community
       able to register for the event in teams; Sigma Chi continues to be the  Health Center since the summer of 2008.  All proceeds go to Hope
       most involved group with three teams this year.           Community Health Center, which is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
           DM has been a great event for the brothers to be involved with.  It is a free clinic in Champaign offering basic medical care to the
       It has been a motivating experience seeing how thankful the children,  underinsured or uninsured.
       whom are the benefactors of the event, are of the DM’s efforts. Also,   Matt talks about his experience creating the charity, “It was a
       being a very new organization, it has been exciting for the committee  very interesting and rewarding experience.  I primarily worked with
   4                                                                                                       see Golf, on page 6
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