Page 2 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2008
P. 2
As the Weather Warms Up, the Undergrads Leap into Action
Innovative Philanthropic Opportunities Created for Chapter
by Jake Metzger 10.50
The Brothers at Kappa Kappa are deep into near future. We wish for a fun and safe spring
liOnApril 11th the Moms of
another exciting spring at 410 E. John. As sports season.
Sigma Chi will come down to the weather warms up so do the activities the On April 11th, we held Moms Weekend for
have a weekend of fun and Brothers are part of. The latest news comes the mothers of Sigma Chi. All mothers cam to
excitement with their sons." from Brother Rob Main '09 (pictured left) the house for a weekend of fun and excitement
who recently ran for the Student Trustee with their sons. We had an auction, a brunch,
position. Student Trustee is the most prominent a banquet at a local golf club, as well as a
and powerful in student government. This party Saturday night. The Chapter decided to
position requires managing and helping allocate donate five percent of the auction funds to the
hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of National Breast Cancer Foundation. The men
state funds. Rob spent almost four months of Sigma Chi had a great time bonding with
campaigning and preparing for his run at the their moms over the weekend.
position. When all was said and done, Rob
Our new philanthropy chairs Ryan Downs
lost by only 700 votes in a race where nearly
'10,5 and Jared Abert '10 have created some
8,000 people voted. Our Chapter wishes to
new innovative philanthropy opportunities for
congratulate Rob on his great campaign and
the Chapter. Ryan recently chartered a contract
wish him best of luck in the future!
with the Adopt-a-Road foundation. Many of
With the warmer months also come sports! the members have already signed up to upkeep
Several Brothers are involved with club teams our section of road between Wright Street and
at the school. Over eight Brothers have gotten Fifth Street. Another interesting philanthropy
together to form an extremely impressive project coming in the near future is called
intramural hockey team, Brother Sam Phelps Dance Dance Marathon. The event is headed
~. "'ro~fias gainecra starting position on the- by Jared Abert and will occur in early Ap;ll'-.~~--'
club lacrosse team, while Jon Vitols '09 and In order to raise money for charity, several
Jacob Metzger '10.5 are current leadhs of the hundred students seek people to pledge money
school wrestling club. The house intramural
The above picture is Brother Robert Main for them to get together and dance for 24 hours
chair Jerry Vassalla '10 has already procured
'09. He is pictured here at a debate for the straight! We are all excited to do our part to
Student Trustee position (picture courtesy intramural shirts for the house and hopes to help the community in the upcoming months.
of the Daily lIIini). start a three-on-three basketball league in the
What's New With You?
Good News from the Rose Bowl
Dennis Swanson"61 Inducted into the Rose Your submissions are needed for future issues of The Illinois
Bowl Hall of Fame Sig and our Web site at Do you know of
a brother that would be a great candidate for a profile in our
The day before the Rose Bowl game, Dennis Swanson '61 next newsletter? Do you have exciting news to share with the
brotherhood? Please email all profile nominations and alumni
was among three new inductees into the Rose Bowl Hall of
updates to
Fame. Swanson is currently president of station operations
for the FOX Television Stations Division. As co-chairman Alumni updates can include any of the following:
of NBC Olympics while at NBC, he won an Emmy award
for his contributions to the coverage of the Salt Lake City - Recent events in your personal life (engagements,
Games in 2002. As president of ABC sports from 1986- weddings, babies, ere)
1996, Swanson acquired the national television rights of - Recent promotions or accomplishments at work
the Rose Bowl for ABC. This established the relationship
between ABC, the Rose Bowl, and the Bowl Championship - What have you done since college?
Series that endures today.
- Are there any brothers that you were recently reunited
with or would like to reconnect with?
2 May 2008