Page 3 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2008
P. 3
A Trip to the lake-in-the-Woods Results in a Planned Crash
and a Renewed Friendship
by Mike Williams '63
It was the spring of '62 ... the semester was Move forward to Sunday noon and what I have to offer. When dinner is over,
concluding and our thoughts on a Saturday dinner in the dining room at 410. Dinner I'll park my Mercury (which had a yellow
night in April had lirrle to do with our is over and Milt McClure '63, the Consul, racing stripe recently painted with a broom
studies and everything to do with our asks if there are any announcements. from the front bumper up and over the
girlfriends. There was a carload of Old Style Penguin stands up to ask, "Which S.O.B. hood, the windshield, the roof, the rear
and four carloads of pals with two couples rear-ended my car last night? Stand up and window, and down the trunk to the rear
each except for my '54 Hudson which held admit it!" bumper) across the bottom of the driveway
two couples in front and two couples in on John Street. You get in your car at the
back, with a case of beer in between. And, "Penguin and Mego jump out top of the drive, put it in neutral, the
off to Lake-in-the-Woods we drove. Brothers can give you a push and you drive
of their cars, assess the crash,
The concept was simple-a campfire and a smile of satisfaction down the hill. .. and crash into my car and
to sit around, have a beer or rwo, then we'll be even."
some couples would "drift off" to a quiet spreads over Penguin's face." Penguin stands up and shouts, "I accept
spot for a little togetherness. I happened to that offer!"
find myself and my pin mate, our Chapter Mego, feeling like a young George With that, Milt stands up and declares,
sweetheart, in the backseat of my buddy Washington after the cherry tree caper, "Dinner is done. You're all excused!"
Penguin's (Hugh Ruddick's) Chevy when jumps to his feet, goes to the windows and The dining room empties in a flash and
suddenly we're rear-ended with a jolt and stands up on the window sill to be visible the Brothers gathered in the parking lot.
pushed abour 5 feet into the grass! We (I have to mention that all of the Brothers Penguin and Mego position their cars
jump Out only to find our Brother John in this tale were founding members of at the driveway and the rest is history-
Mego behind the wheel with this s--- eatin' the 5'6" and under "Little' People's Club" Kaboom!! Collective cheers ring out.
grin on his face. Mego asks us not to tell which met every Friday at Bidwell's with all Penguin and Mego jump out of their cars.,
Penguin because maybe he won't notice. the cute little girls on campus). Mego yells assess the crash, and a smile of satisfaction
"Nobody's hurt. No harm, no fou!." out, "Penguin, I cannot tell a lie. I ran into spreads over Penguin's face. The two extend
Only there was a giant dent in the rear of your car last night at Lake-in-the-Woods!" their hands, slip each other the grip, and
Penguin's car. But Mego is not done. "So here is this great tale concludes to a standing O!
"Dash for Cash" Prank Backfires on the Pranksters
by Jason H. Payne '88
In my best radio DJ voice, I -begin, "Hello, corner bagel shop Lox, Stock and Bage!' front door and yell, "Cash!"
this is Stevie Jay from K 104. Are you on Sometimes the contestant had just passed Occasionally, as the contestants
the corner of Fourth and John? Have you that way and would run back. Often the returned to their walk home the phone
been a K 104 winner in the past 30 days? contestant would have to explain the would ring again as they passed. "Hello this
Are you familiar with our instant "Dash contest to his friends as he hurried towards is Stevie Jay from K104. What, you didn't
for Cash" give away? All you have to do is, find us? Our booth is on the second floor!
in 30 seconds or less, run on over to Lox, "Often the contestant would We'll give you a second chance if you're
Stock and Bagel, yell "Cash!" and we will willing to try again. You have a new 30
give you $104 in cash from K 104. Are you have to explain the contest seconds. Are you ready? The clock starts
ready? The clock starts now!" to his friends as he hurried now!" And the contestant would run even
From the second-floor windows along towards his prize money, faster the second time.
John Street, we could see the pay phone making a group of four or five By far, the funniest time was one spring
down the block on the corner of }'d and run with their backpacks." afternoon a few of us had made a couple
John. A well-timed call to that phone calls to the corner as Stevie Jay. A small
would sometimes snag an unsuspecting crowd had gathered on the porch and
mark as he walked by after class. The his prize money, making a group of four or front steps to watch the contestants on
"contestant" would excitedly answer five run with their backpacks. A few times, their run by. The next call to the corner
the few questions from "Stevie Jay" and we heard of people being in line at the found a willing contestant. As soon as the
then hustle down the street towards the bagel shop and people would come in the (continued on page 4)
The Illinois 5ig 3