Page 4 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2008
P. 4
Frederic "Rick" Ruehe '73 Highlights the Great Value of Fraternity Membership
Sigma Chi Influenced Success in College and In His Career
Frederic "Rick" Ruehe '73 followed in son living in California, and a daughter in in compliance with university requirements,
his parents footsteps and decided to attend Virginia. Rick and Cathy currently plan on encouraging teamwork and trust building
the University of Illinois. In addition to his staying in Norfolk, close to where his parents within membership.
studies and involvement in Sigma Chi, live, in Hampton, Virginia. Rick's brother, "Sigma Chi organizes connections
Rick was a member of the University Navy John Ruehe '77, and Cathy's brother, Chuck supporting University of Illinois success, as
ROTC program. Adkins '74, were also members of Sigma Chi well as Community activities. Membership
at the University of Illinois. Cathy's parents in Sigma Chi helps in sustaining a vital
"Fraternity membership builds live in Batavia, Illinois. personal development enhancement and
university student success, Rick highlights his perspective of the great organizing rewards for top-level education.
{value of fraternity membership, especially It also highlights the benefits of community
and effectively helps members
prepare for successfultransition influenced by his membership in Sigma Chi. collaboration in building appropriate success
and insights with
with cultural collaboration
builds university
"Fraternity membership
to post-college liie" student success, and effectively helps members civic leadership members.
prepare for successful transition to post-
At graduation, he was commissioned in college life. Sigma Chi members learn to
the Navy and served our Country for 34 build teamwork, trust, and confidence with "These features of Sigma Chi
years. During his career in the Navy, Rick their fraternity Brothers, and fellow university have a long-term impact on
served as a Naval Aviator in assignments on students - skills vital to success in every effective life style modeling ... in
US West Coast, Japan, Philippines, and East business. Sigma Chi Brothers learn essentials civilian businessor military
Coast US - aboard ships, in squadrons, of good leadership, understanding the impact leadership!"
and ashore. of behavior modeling on business success
After the completion of his final - and Military success, as well.
assignment in Norfolk, Va., Rick retired "The well organized Sigma Chi is a model "These features of Sigma Chi have a long-
from theNavy on january 1,-10Q.~!}.gd)s H-',",",_; for preparedness. Thismodel, tcrrnirnpact on eff~!!~J.!19~eling ...
currently processing career transition. He . provides an effective organizational structure, in civilian business or military leadership!"
and his wife Cathy have two children, a and consistent reinforcement of discipline -Rick Ruehe
(continued from page 3)
contestant began running, we all knew The whole gathered crowd began to cringe. then, the contestant popped up, took his
something was wrong. This young man The contestant tripped over our front hat off and yelled, "I got you all!" It was
was dressed in classic nerd attire. He was sidewalk and he went tumbling head over Barrett Carlson '89 one of our seniors
having trouble running because of a bad heals, his backpack exploding in papers playing the trick back on all of us. He did
limp. Near our back drive, the contestant and notebooks. Several of us began heading get us all.
lost hold of his book and pages went flying. towards the young man to offer help. Just
What is that Foul Odor and How Do We Get Rid of It?
by Randy West '51
The funniest incident in my years at 410. dangerous mission. One of the World War II Armed with this paraphernalia Charley
occurred on a winter morning in 1948 when veteran Brothers came up with an old Army was up to the task. He was able to get the
I was a sophomore. During the night, some stinking dead skunk out of the house. The
unknown (and never identified) prankster ''All day long, the Brothers were early rising Brothers thanked and cheered
(possibly a John Street neighbor Phi Gam, asking each other: "00I still our hero Charley for his bravery and
Alpha Delt, or Delt) hid a skunk behind the smell like skunk?" accomplishment. All day long, the Brothers
hot radiator in the front hallway. were asking each other: "Do I still smell
The next morning the first floor of the like skunk?"
house stunk to high heaven. We weren't even camouflage uniform complete with gloves, Send in your Amusing Tales from
certain at that time of the cause of the foul combat boots, and a gas mask! Another 410. History to the Illinois Sig Editor
odor. So we grabbed the first pledge in sight, Brother brought the big tongs used to remove Don Williams at
Charley Glisson, and prepared him for a clinkers from the furnace in the basement.
4 May 2008